Can I create an event in Phpmyadmin?


Viewed 278 times


I want to create an event in Phpmyadmin, where each day implements +1 in a field like int, but on my local server works normally, on hosting says I need the user super global, all right so far, without heating my head I contacted the support, it was not possible to change the permissions, I bought another hosting from another company, and happened the same thing, and nobody solves anything.

Is now my doubt, if on my local server works, not supposed to work on a hosting too? If there is no way to trigger an event in a lodging, why does this blessed event function exist in Phpmyadmin? Is there a specific hosting? I was thinking about buying a Windows VPS and installing Wampserver there.

I don’t know if my question is out of scope, or based on opinions, but I do know that someone has the answer to that, who can not only help me but other users.

1 answer


Lodging is usually shared, so there is no access root which makes it impossible to create events in Phpmyadmin, in which case, try to acquire a VPS or Dedicated.

That’s all.

  • Is Hosting Not Shared? Not Being "VPS or Dedicated" ? Hosting is Much More Into Account!

  • No, it doesn’t exist, it’s VPS or Dedicated. Otherwise forget.

  • "Usually the accommodations, "I urge you to understand that you have a lodging, but thank you. Actually the other company told me the same thing.

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