Cart product loop at transparent pagseguro checkout


Viewed 216 times


Good morning to all,

I have a question and a problem to solve. I’m setting up a transparent checkout, and it works by the way. Currently I put products in the cart, we are the subtotals, to transform into total result and it is perfect, and when I assemble the array of the checkout of the pagseguro, I inform an id, description and standard quantity, with the calculated total, and the payment is accomplished. My doubt and problem eh: how can I put my products in the array of pagseguro, taking in example basket session loop, stating Description, id, quantity and value, follows the example:

"[email protected]\
&[email protected]\
&itemId1=0001\ // essa linha precisa ser o loop
&itemDescription1=Produto PagSeguroI\ // essa linha precisa ser o loop
&itemAmount1=99999.99\ //essa linha precisa ser o loop
&itemQuantity1=1\ //essa linha precisa ser o loop
&itemDescription1=Produto PagSeguroII\
&senderName=Jose Comprador\
&[email protected]\
&shippingAddressStreet=Av. PagSeguro\
&shippingAddressComplement=99o andar\
&shippingAddressDistrict=Jardim Internet\
&shippingAddressCity=Cidade Exemplo\
&creditCardHolderName=Jose Comprador\
&billingAddressStreet=Av. PagSeguro\
&billingAddressComplement=99o andar\
&billingAddressDistrict=Jardim Internet\
&billingAddressCity=Cidade Exemplo\

Or I would have to put all this information inside the loop, and have to put the xml mount, I would have the status return, duplicated several times as many items?

Tenho esse código que faz uma compra transparente do Pagseguro.

$params = array( 'email => $PAGSEGURO_EMAIL,
'token => $PAGSEGURO_TOKEN, 'creditCardToken => $creditCardToken, 'senderHash' => $senderHash, 'receiverEmail => $PAGSEGURO_EMAIL, 'paymentMode => 'default', 'paymentMethod => 'creditcard', 'currency' => 'BRL', // 'extraAmount' => '1.00',

        'itemId1'                   => '0001',
        'itemDescription1'          => 'PHP Test',  
        'itemAmount1'               => $numero,  
        'itemQuantity1'             => 1,

        'itemId2'                   => '0002',
        'itemDescription2'          => 'PHP Test2',  
        'itemAmount2'               => $numero,  
        'itemQuantity2'             => 1,

        'reference'                 => 'REF1234',

        'senderName'                => $senderName,
        'senderCPF'                 => $senderCPF,
        'senderAreaCode'            => 83,
        'senderPhone'               => $senderPhone,
        'senderEmail'               => $senderEmail,
        'shippingAddressStreet'     => $shippingAddressStreet,
        'shippingAddressNumber'     => $shippingAddressNumber,
        'shippingAddressDistrict'   => $shippingAddressDistrict,
        'shippingAddressPostalCode' => $shippingAddressPostalCode,
        'shippingAddressCity'       => $shippingAddressCity,
        'shippingAddressState'      => $shippingAddressState,
        'shippingAddressCountry'    => 'BRA',
        'shippingType'              => 1,
        'shippingCost'              => $shippingCost,
        'installmentQuantity'       => 1,
        'installmentValue'          => $installmentValue,
        'creditCardHolderName'      => 'Chuck Norris',
        'creditCardHolderCPF'       => '54793120652',
        'creditCardHolderBirthDate' => '01/01/1990',
        'creditCardHolderAreaCode'  => 83,
        'creditCardHolderPhone'     => '999999999',
        'billingAddressStreet'     => 'Address',
        'billingAddressNumber'     => '1234',
        'billingAddressDistrict'   => 'Bairro',
        'billingAddressPostalCode' => '58075000',
        'billingAddressCity'       => 'João Pessoa',
        'billingAddressState'      => 'PB',
        'billingAddressCountry'    => 'BRA'

How do I get PHP to dynamically pick up cart items and place them inside the $params[] array? So that all products of the trolley can be sent?

This part takes the products to be generated within the array by PHP:

        'itemId1'                   => '0001',
        'itemDescription1'          => 'PHP Test',  
        'itemAmount1'               => $numero,  
        'itemQuantity1'             => 1,

        'itemId2'                   => '0002',
        'itemDescription2'          => 'PHP Test2',  
        'itemAmount2'               => $numero,  
        'itemQuantity2'             => 1,

Would look like this?

$params = array(

    'email'                     => $PAGSEGURO_EMAIL,  
    'token'                     => $PAGSEGURO_TOKEN,
    'creditCardToken'           => $creditCardToken,
    'senderHash'                => $senderHash,
    'receiverEmail'             => $PAGSEGURO_EMAIL,
    'paymentMode'               => 'default', 
    'paymentMethod'             => 'creditCard', 
    'currency'                  => 'BRL',
    // 'extraAmount'               => '1.00',

    'reference'                 => 'REF1234',    

    'senderName'                => $senderName,
    'senderCPF'                 => $senderCPF,
    'senderAreaCode'            => 83,
    'senderPhone'               => $senderPhone,
    'senderEmail'               => $senderEmail,
    'shippingAddressStreet'     => $shippingAddressStreet,
    'shippingAddressNumber'     => $shippingAddressNumber,
    'shippingAddressDistrict'   => $shippingAddressDistrict,
    'shippingAddressPostalCode' => $shippingAddressPostalCode,
    'shippingAddressCity'       => $shippingAddressCity,
    'shippingAddressState'      => $shippingAddressState,
    'shippingAddressCountry'    => 'BRA',
    'shippingType'              => 1,
    'shippingCost'              => '1.00',
    'installmentQuantity'       => 1,
    'installmentValue'          => '3.00',
    'creditCardHolderName'      => 'Chuck Norris',
    'creditCardHolderCPF'       => '54793120652',
    'creditCardHolderBirthDate' => '01/01/1990',
    'creditCardHolderAreaCode'  => 83,
    'creditCardHolderPhone'     => '999999999',
    'billingAddressStreet'     => 'Address',
    'billingAddressNumber'     => '1234',
    'billingAddressDistrict'   => 'Bairro',
    'billingAddressPostalCode' => '58075000',
    'billingAddressCity'       => 'João Pessoa',
    'billingAddressState'      => 'PB',
    'billingAddressCountry'    => 'BRA'

$filter = preg_grep('/ Itemid([0-9]{1,})/', array_keys( $params )); $result = array(); for($i = 0; $i < Count($filter); $i++) {

    $result['itemId' . ($i + 1)] = $params['itemId' . ($i + 1)];
    $result['itemDescription' . ($i + 1)] = $params['itemDescription' . ($i + 1)];
    $result['itemAmount' . ($i + 1)] = $params['itemAmount' . ($i + 1)];
    $result['itemQuantity' . ($i + 1)] = $params['itemQuantity' . ($i + 1)];


$header = array('Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8;');
$response = curlExec($PAGSEGURO_API_URL."/transactions", $params, $header);
$json = json_decode(json_encode(simplexml_load_string($response)));


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