I made that code but error on 2°line:
In this case I did this function to solve a problem that my teacher passed, to know if a student has passed, failed, passed with honors or will take final exam. Help me please.
def AnalisarSituacao():
nota1, nota2, nota3, nota4 = float(input())
mediaP= (nota1*1+nota2*2+nota3*3+nota4*4)/10
if mediaP >=3:
if mediaP <7:
print('prova final')
if mediaP <3:
if mediaP >=7:
if mediaP <9:
if mediaP >=9:
print('aprovado com louvor')
failed to call input - this code will fail.
is the right thing to do.– jsbueno
Truth @jsbueno. I was wrong to put here. I will edit.
– Ronnald Machado