What does >, :: , +, and & css sign mean?


Viewed 10,750 times


I’m starting my internship and I don’t know the meaning of the following attitudes.

Signal from > (larger)

Because it’s used .classe-a > classe-b{}



Signal from + (more)

.classe-a + classe-b

Sign of &


I’m gonna keep this up CSS but first I need to know what these signs are?

1 answer


  • Greater sign >: means child-direct element. Selects all children-direct element.

Example: div > span

  <span> <!-- filho direto da div -->
     <p>DvD</p> <!-- não é filho direto da div -->
  • Colon ::: means pseudo-element (a child element).

Example: div::first-letter

Select the first letter within the div (in the case below, the "d").


Your example .classe-a::.classe-b{} is incorrect. A class is not may be a pseudo-element.

Documentation of pseudo-elements in MDN.

  • - Sign of +: selects the element immediately after.

Example: div + p

<p>dvd</p> <!-- este é selecionado, pois está após a div -->
<p>dvd</p> <!-- este não é selecionado -->
  • Sign &: this sign does not exist in CSS. It is used in Sass, a language for compiling CSS codes.
  • 4

    The question is already marked as dup, there are already answers that answer and you still insist on doing dup - https://answall.com/questions/2589/o-que-significa-sinal-de-e-em-css#comment518219_252589 - Please favor existing answers.

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