How to make Foreign key one-to-many in mysql?


Viewed 991 times


I have a table students and a table courses, my table courses have the course for example of administration, as I relate several students to this table using Foreign key ?

  • I don’t have much experience in sql, but usually a third table is created... ex: aluno_curso, where a student can enroll in more than one course and a course can have several students enrolled. This table would have basically an id, idaluno, idcurso. I would do this way.

1 answer


First you create the COURSES Table with the column ID_CURSOS (PRIMARY_KEY), then you create a STUDENTS table with the column ID_ALUNOS (primary_key) and the column ID_CURSO. This column ID_CURSO you point to as FOREGN_KEY having as reference the table COURSES, column ID_CURSOS. Following example:

CREATE TABLE `database`.`cursos` (
  `nome_curso` VARCHAR(45) NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id_cursos`));

CREATE TABLE `database`.`alunos` (
  `id_curso` INT NULL,
  `nome_aluno` VARCHAR(45) NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id_alunos`),
  INDEX `FK_ALUNO_CURSO_idx` (`id_curso` ASC),
    FOREIGN KEY (`id_curso`) 
    REFERENCES `vigilant`.`cursos` (`id_cursos`)

Any questions just talk. Hugs.

  • I understood, how do I put the curricular units (modules) associated with the course name ? the modules are a list as I would create this module, it would be a table for each module ?

  • I’m sorry, but I don’t understand. Explain what modules are. Are the course subjects? Let me get this straight. Example: Course of Administration (Module I: Matter 1, Matter 2, Matter 3; Module II: Matter 4, Matter 5, Matter 6). That’s it?

  • If it is as I understand it, you will have to create a MODULES table and create a FOREGN_KEY referencing to the ID_CURSO of the COURSES table. That is, through this, you will be linking modules to each course.

  • DB relationships are made through Fks. You have relationship 1 to 1 (1:1); 1 to N (1:N); and N to N (N:N). That is, relationship 1:1 is when one table is related to another, but each record points only to another table; 1:N is when a record of one table relates to several other tables; and N:N is when multiple records of one table relate to several records of another table. The latter, to be implemented, must create a third table to create the relationship of several to several. Example is what is in the above answer.

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