How to reveal items when arriving on a particular scroll


Viewed 659 times


I would like to know how to do the effect of revealing items when the scroll of the page reaches the element, example of this site:
The effect is on the blocks with images, which appear as you lower the scroll.

  • Guys, I figured out how to do it, just have scrollreveal.js which is a framework, not to have to explain in detail, just search for scrollreveal that already finds enough information (in English). For those who want the place where I understood it better this one:

1 answer


Unused plugins, except the good jQuery, the script below makes equal effect. Just add the class .mostar at divs that wants the effect. I made a simple animation of fade in but may be adapted for another purpose as desired:

$(window).on("load scroll", function(){
		var el = $(this);
		var eleHeight = el.outerHeight(); // altura da div
		var eleTopo = el.offset().top; // distancia da div ao topo do documento
		var scrlTopo = $(window).scrollTop(); // quanto foi rolada a janela
		var distance = eleTopo-scrlTopo; // distancia da div ao topo da janela
		var altJanela = window.innerHeight; // altura da janela
		if(distance <= altJanela-(eleHeight/2)) {
			el.animate({ 'opacity': 1 }, 400);
	display: block;
	width: 100%;
	height: 200px;
	background: red;
	float: left;
	opacity: 0;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="mostrar">
	div 1
<div class="mostrar">
	div 2
<div class="mostrar">
	div 3
<div class="mostrar">
	div 4
<div class="mostrar">
	div 5

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