Slim API returns error only with AJAX request


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Hello, I developed an API using the Slim Framework and testing one of the endpoints that with Postman works perfectly but when I request with AJAX, although it is sending exactly the same data that I send with Postman it seems that the data does not arrive correctly and I do not know why it happens.

Request no Postman:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

AJAX function:

function ajaxRequest(verb, endpoint, headers = null, body = null) {
    try {
        //Animação do loading
            effect: 'facebook'

        var resp = null;

            url: 'http://localhost/projetos/soccerama/api/' + endpoint,
            type: verb,
            ContentType: 'application/json',
            async: false,
            headers: {
                'xAuthChaveApi': localStorage.xAuthChaveApi,
                'xAuthCambistaID': localStorage.xAuthCambistaID,
                'xAuthCambistaToken': localStorage.xAuthCambistaToken
            success: function(response) {
                resp = response
            error: function(error) {
            beforeSend: function(xhr) {
                if(headers !== null) {
                    for(var key in headers) {
                        xhr.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]);
    } catch (error) {
    } finally {
        return resp;


Calling the ajax function in the authentication function:

function autenticar() {
    var usuario = $('#inputUsuario').val();
    var senha = $('#inputSenha').val();
    var pin = $('#inputPin').val();

    if(!usuario || !senha || !pin) {
        notificar('Ops! Tem algo errado, tem certeza que digitou o seu usuário, senha e PIN corretamente?');
        return null;

    //Declarando os headers
    var headers = {
        usuario: usuario,
        senha: senha,

    var cambista = ajaxRequest(Verb.GET, Endpoint.AUTH_CAMBISTA, headers);    

Request data collected from browser:

Request URL:http://localhost/projetos/soccerama/api/cambista/autenticar
Request Method:GET
Status Code:200 OK
Remote Address:[::1]:80
Referrer Policy:no-referrer-when-downgrade

Response Headers
view source
Date:Fri, 03 Nov 2017 16:04:59 GMT
Keep-Alive:timeout=5, max=100
Server:Apache/2.4.28 (Unix) OpenSSL/1.0.2l PHP/7.1.10 mod_perl/2.0.8-dev Perl/v5.16.3

Request Headers
view source
Accept-Encoding:gzip, deflate, br
User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.75 Safari/537.36

Browser response:

      "message":"Um erro ocorreu ao executar a opera\u00e7\u00e3o. Tente 
      novamente ou entre em contato com o administrador."
Notice:  Undefined variable: cambista in /opt/lampp/htdocs/projetos/soccerama/api/app/controllers/CambistaController.php on line 168

API method:

public static function autenticar(Request $request, Response $response) {
        try {
            $credenciais = array(
                'login' => (array_key_exists(0, $request->getHeader('login')) ? $request->getHeader('login')[0] : null),
                'senha' => (array_key_exists(0, $request->getHeader('senha')) ? md5(SALT . $request->getHeader('senha')[0]) : null)

            if ( isset($credenciais['login']) && isset($credenciais['senha']) ) {
                $cambista = Cambista::where($credenciais)

                if (isset($cambista)) {
                    $cambista->sessao = new Sessao();
                    $cambista->sessao->idCambista = $cambista->id;
                    $cambista->sessao->token = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));

                    $cambista = cambista::where('id', $cambista->id)
                            'sessao' => function($query) {
                                $query->orderBy('criado', 'DESC')->take(1);

                    $meta = Helper::metaArray(Enum::SUCS_STS, Enum::AUTHORIZED);
                } else {
                    $meta = Helper::metaArray(Enum::WARN_STS, Enum::LOGIN_ERROR);
            } else {
                $meta = Helper::metaArray(Enum::WARN_STS, Enum::INTERNAL_ERROR);

            return $response->withCustomJson($meta, $cambista);
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
            $meta = Helper::metaArray(Enum::ERR_STS, Helper::exceptionError($ex), 400);

            return $response->withCustomJson($meta);
  • Oops, I just forgot to add the API method. It seems to me that what happens is that the variables $credentials['login'] and $credentials['password'] do not pass the verification method 'isset()' and the code falls into 'Else' but this only happens if the request is Ajax because Postman works smoothly.

  • In your ajax you don’t send any value... have some header business xAuthCambistaID but there’s nothing to login or senha

  • Actually I send in the function call an array with the headers.

  • If you give a console.log(headers) has been riding right?

  • I can see that is being sent pq in the request debug in the browser the login headers, password and xAuthChaveApi are there and these are exactly the headers that I am going through in Postman.

  • There seems to be a mistake here $cambista = cambista::where('id', $cambista->id). Should be Cambista::where(...);. And one question: the message "message":"Um erro ocorreu ao executar a opera\u00e7\u00e3o. Tente 
 novamente ou entre em contato com o administrador." indicates that he entered some Else, catch, or reached the end of Try? I think the Return at the end of try{} should be moved somewhere where there would surely be the variable $cambista (doesn’t mean it’s the cause of the problem).

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