GCM Network Manager does not perform tasks


Viewed 34 times


Hello! Gentlemen I have two tasks and I notice that the same ones are not being executed, I called them in the main activity in onCreate() however if I go to another activity the tasks are not called, qdo I go back and I wait the determined time there is the execution, another detail is that of the two tasks one performs only once One task makes a GET and receives a json is a quick task while the other one gets data from the database and makes a POST, I’m using the lib loopj for the network.

    gnm = GcmNetworkManager.getInstance(this);

    PeriodicTask task1 = new PeriodicTask.Builder()

    PeriodicTask task2 = new PeriodicTask.Builder()


One of the services

public class AtualizacaoService extends GcmTaskService {
   private static final String TAG = "AtualizacaoService";

   private CustomSharedPreference shared ;
   private OrdemServicoService service ;
   private SincronismoService sincronismoService;
   private Sincronizacao sinc;
   private Date ultimaAtualizacao;
   private Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String,String>();
   private SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy_HH:mm:ss", Locale.getDefault());

   public void onInitializeTasks() {
       Log.i(TAG, "onInitializeTasks()");

   public int onRunTask(TaskParams taskParams) {
       Log.i(TAG, "onRunTask()");

       return GcmNetworkManager.RESULT_SUCCESS;

   public void retrieverUpdateFromRemoteServer(){

    service = new OrdemServicoService(getApplicationContext());
    sincronismoService = new SincronismoService(getApplicationContext());
    User user = ((Aplicacao) getApplicationContext()).getLoginUser();

    params.put("data", sdf.format(this.ultimaAtualizacao)  );
    params.put(Helper.TOKEN, user.getToken());
    params.put(Helper.SERVIDOR, "1");

    CustomRequest serverRequest = new CustomRequest(

    serverRequest.setRetryPolicy(new DefaultRetryPolicy(
            Helper.MY_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS * 2,

  • Which version of android you are using. GCM has some problems with android versions. I recommend switching to android-job Vernote, I never had a problem.

  • Hello my dear, good afternoon, look I had had a previous problem and so I did a "Ambi" after I realized that it was the cause of the second task not actually running she was yes one more time, removed and went all right, i know my Smart is bronca Android is the 4.4 more now ta of good worth.

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