how do I get the scrollbars out of my iframe via css?


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I’m doing an exercise to hide the scrollbars of the iframe but something went wrong! again !!!

function mudaFoto (foto)
section#conteudo {
	width: 1000px;
	margin: auto;
iframe#frame-spec {
	width: 380px;
	height: 280px;
	border: none;
	overflow: hidden;
iframe#frame-spec::-webkit-scrollbar {
<!DOCTYPE html>
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		<title>Tudo sobre Google Glas</title>
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	<div id="interface">
	<header id="cabecalho">
			<h1>Google Glass</h1>
			<h2> A revolução do Google está chegando</h2>
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<section id="corpo-full">
	<article id="noticia-principal">
		<header id="cabecalho-artigo">
			<h3>Glass > Especificações</h3>
			<h1>Raio-X no Google Glass</h1>
			<h2>por Gustavo Guanabara</h2>
			<h3 class="direita">Atualizado em 01/Maio/2013 </h3>
		<p>Clique em qualquer área destacada da imagem para ter mais informações sobre os recursos do Google Glass. Qualquer ponto vermelho vai te levar a um lugar cheio de novas informações.</p>
		<section id="conteudo">
			<img src="_imagens/glass-esquema-marcado.jpg"/>
			<iframe src="google-glass.html" name="janela" id="frame-spec"></iframe>

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  • 1

    most browsers still support scrolling <iframe src="" scrolling="no" scroll="no" ></iframe> Google Chrome Version 60.0.3112.113 (Official Build) (64 bits) scrolling="no" does not work, however scroll="no" works

3 answers


<iframe src="google-glass.html" name="janela" id="frame-spec"></iframe>

Go to the file you’re putting in the iframe in case your think is google-glass.html and on his head put


  overflow: hidden !important;

  • it worked . but it stopped it does not roll more ! it knows how to make to roll the same in the of the Guanabara?

  • when you click on an area of the image it redirects to a div with id specifies example href="google-glass.html#parte_especifica"

  • valw altwrei people css straight on google-Glass. I found out that it is not the code that is wrong is either browser or my text editor that in the case is notpad++!!! because it up to a certain point of the css code stylizes the pag after css does not alter anyone else knows explain to me why?


I am doing this same course and this solution did not solve my problem (which in turn is the same as mentioned above), so I added scrolling="no" in the iframe that solved for all browsers (current) that tested.

was like this: <iframe id="frame-spec" src="google-glass.html" name="janela" scrolling="no"></iframe>

I even took the unnecessary lines from my CSS3


People who are also with the bar problem that does not disappear, I found the following solution to the problem: in the file style google-glass.html place:

body::-webkit-scrollbar {

display: none;


I hope I helped because I had the same problem.

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