I have an application in Angularjs that is with the following problem:
Every time I access my view using:
Directive with type 'A' restriction is simply not normally loaded.
<ui-carrousel {atributos}></ui-carrousel>
In the directive it takes information of the size of the window to rederize the Carousel with the images:
this.updateItemStyle = function () {
_this.itemWidth = _this.width / _this.options.slidesToShow;
_this.slideStyle = {
'width': _this.itemWidth + 'px'
Only he only does it when I refresh the page...
How do I render it correctly using $route access without having to do $route.Reload() or something like that. Have some smarter way to reapply the directive, such as when we load an object using ng-bind="acao()".