What is the difference between Knockoutjs and Angularjs/Emberjs?


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What’s the difference between Knockoutjs and Angularjs/Emberjs? What I’ve been researching:

  • Apparently Knockoutjs has a much smaller learning curve, can be integrated into existing static sites and has better compatibility, but is less powerful.

  • While Angular/Ember are more difficult to work with, needing to start the site from scratch with them and may have incompatibility problems with mobile browsers, but they are much more powerful.

These assumptions of mine are correct?

I ask because with so many options it is difficult to decide which to learn. My only experience with this type of framework is with this interactive tutorial here.

  • codeschool.com is an optical course, sponsored by google, from Angularjs. The course is well didactic and goes through almost all functionalities. And has a great theme song.

1 answer



As the Knockoutjs site itself says, it is a library. A set of functions that aims to facilitate the bind between DOM and Viewmodel in javascript.

Knockout is a Javascript library that helps you to create rich, Responsive display and editor user interfaces with a clean underlying data model.

Source: http://knockoutjs.com/documentation/introduction.html

As it is only a library, it does not require the entire project to be modeled to its standard. Just add the bindings to a new or existing page, link to viewModel and it’s working.

It has several very interesting features like attribute bindings and DOM element events, and the use of custom bindings.

Definition of library

A library is a set of data and source code used in software development. It is designed to help the developer and compiler build and run the software.

Source: http://www.techopedia.com/definition/3828/software-library


Emberjs/Angularjs/Backbonejs are frameworks that by definition encompass much more functionality than a library.

Title only site of Angularjs

Angularjs - Superheroic Javascript MVW Framework

Framework definition

Framework is a set of classes that collaborate to realize a responsibility for a domain of an application subsystem. " Fayad and Schmidt

  • I’m sorry I wasn’t very clear. I edited my question to better express what I want.

  • @Andrey, this change has been considerably drastic. I will remove the answer, but I recommend you read http://meta.pt.stackoverflow.com/questions/1682/o-que-fazer-quando-o-o-p-muda-sua-questiona?cb=1 because it is not desirable to turn one question into another, but rather a new question. Editing is aimed at making it clearer and correcting possible errors.

  • 1

    Okay, it was my mistake to mispronounce myself when I asked the question, but I’m gonna follow your recommendation and leave it at that.

  • 1

    @Andrey to your new question: http://sporto.github.io/blog/2013/04/12/comparison-angular-backbone-can-ember/

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