Heroku has temporarily disabled this Feature, Please Try Again shortly


Viewed 402 times


Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

I execute this command heroku apps:create wb-arm-wladimir

And made that mistake:

C:\Users\Wladimir\Documents\teste>heroku apps:create laravel-vue-axios
Creating laravel-vue-axios... !
 !    Heroku has temporarily disabled this feature, please try again shortly. See https://status.heroku.com for current
 !    Heroku platform status.

  • According to the link http://status.heroku.com, they had an incident and disabled builds for all apps. https://status.heroku.com/incidents/1334

  • is appearing trolling rs

  • knows any server that is free?

  • 1

    Free I don’t know, just the ones you can get for free, where they usually give you some opening credits. I just accessed http://status.heroku.com and they’ve normalized the situation.

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