When accessing pag, titles are color=blue
When you click on the title the color changes to color=red (and opens contents)
But when the title closes it goes back to color=blue
I need: When you click on the title change to the color=red and when you click again when you exit it becomes color=green
I appreciate the help.
$('#abre').on('click' , function(){ // abre tudo
$('.titulo .conteudo').show();
$('#fecha').on('click' , function(){ // fecha tudo
$('.titulo .conteudo').hide();
$('.titulo').on('click' , function(){ // abre/fecha cada titulo
var id = $(this).attr('id');
var classes = ['red','green']; // Nomes das classes CSS
this.className = classes[($.inArray(this.className, classes)+1)%classes.length]; // Altera a class conforme o clique
.titulo {color:blue}
.red {color:red}
.green {color:green}
.conteudo {display: none;}
.lista-titulos {
-webkit-column-count: 2;
-moz-column-count: 2;
column-count: 2;
-webkit-column-break-inside: avoid;
page-break-inside: avoid;
break-inside: avoid;
.titulo {cursor:pointer}
.titulo:hover {background:yellow}
<div class="lista-titulos">
BD select while...
<div class="titulo" id="<?=$id?>"><span class="tit<?=$id?>"><?=$perg?>/span>
<span id="tit<?=$id?>" class="conteudo">
<div class="mostra">TEXTO</div>
<div><button type="button" id="abre">abrir tudo</button> <button type="button" id="fecha">fechar tudo</button></div>
Wéllingthon, thanks for the quick response, its function is perfect, but is conflicting with the function opens/closes all titles. (Qdo opens individual and then click open all, gets confused) I did a full function update, css and html. I’m sorry I didn’t inform you correctly. I appreciate your attention and time spent Abs.
– Geo
@Geo see now, what was happening is that clicking on the title changed the value of the attribute Class of
hence the jQuery couldn’t find the dial.titulo
.– NoobSaibot
is perfect. NOTE 1000 for your attention and patience. I analyzed the code and learned a little more. A hug and many thanks.
– Geo
I am new here and I saw that my question is -1. Was it very basic, poorly formulated or out of context? Who scores is the Administrator? Just curious rsrs. Abs and thanks again, it was great!!!!
– Geo
Behold Help Center > Asking, you can improve it by formatting, and explaining your problem, etc. Look at this link I passed.
– NoobSaibot