Listview component is only displayed from half down the screen


Viewed 45 times


The question is this::

I have a Listview, within a "Contentview", it is properly populated and the template applied as expected.

I’m inside a navigation "Master-Detail" and in this case, the Contentview is invoked from within a "Contentpage", which is the detail page of Master-Detail, where you filter the option chosen in the menu Master and displays the contents on the left.

Normal, everyone knows this operation.

What happens is there’s another Contentview which is called another menu and its views are displayed properly both nested in one Srollview and Stacklayout, and in one of them Listview is displayed whole, only it is positioned half down, and there is no View none.

Remark: After I put one Entry, this was displayed above. How can this?

Observation 2: The Verticallayouts and Horizontallayouts of visa are inserted in their positions.

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