To unite tables in Angularjs


Viewed 24 times


I am in great need of a help from your knowledge. I am currently developing a web app for a restaurant with several modules.

In the box module, in a <div> are displaying the requests that are open as sample the codes below.

Now what I need is that instead of showing each orderOpen separately, orders that are with the same Order.board be in one. Join all orders sharing the same table number.

Order js.

 $scope.orderFindOpen = function(  ) {
        console.log("pedido em aberto");
        $scope.ordersOpen = result.orders;
        $scope.ordersOpen.forEach(function(order, $index){
            $scope.ordersOpen[$index].board = Order.board({id:});
            $scope.ordersOpen[$index].payment = PAY[order.payment].dsca;

html box.

<div class="container12">
    <div class="cls89 a_icon" ng-repeat="order in ordersOpen" ng-click="selectedOrder(order)" >
        <span class="cls06 cls08"></span>
        <img src="../../images/ico-mesa.png" alt="Norway" class="cls90" >
        <label class="cls85 cls86">{{ order.board.number }}</label>
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