I have a PC at home (Windows) and in college I use Linux Mint. At home I installed a Github program for desktop, and from what I saw only has for Windows, and only 64 bits say of passage.
I started using Github in the last days at home and everything went well, I created a repository from an existing folder, dou commit and Sync usually by the program. When I enter the site there are the files correctly. If I make any changes by the site, just give Sync that the file updates on my PC.
I looked for the same program to install on Linux but could not find. I found only things to be done by the terminal, but I’m not very familiar with it. I did some tests here according to what I found on the internet, but the only thing I could do was a git clone//directory. But only once (from the second it was a mistake).
I would like to know how I do, from Linux, to download the files from Github already synchronizing with what I have on Linux, and after making some changes to some file, to be able to upload the entire folder and synchronize the site with this folder. Just like I do on Windows. What would be the necessary commands for this? Thanks in advance.
Link to the Github: https://github.com/EmanoelFraguas/GitProject
Git commands do not belong to linux, Git commands are "Git and ready" commands, having Git installed on the operating system whatever, the commands will be the same, unless it is a modified "git client" Fork itself, what is missing for you is installing the "Git" client".
– Guilherme Nascimento
To familiarize yourself, use the
git bash
in windows, it is installed together with Git GUI (required). In addition, read git-scm– Gabriel Heming
Which linux distro are you using
?– WMomesso
I use Linux Mint in college
– Manolloz
Here is a very basic command line manual: https://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/index.pt_BR.html
– gfleck