Error in sending Mdfe


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The company where I work has a Java project made in Eclipse to send Nfse and Mdfe. There is an error when I try to send a Mdfe. The error log is in the Pastebin link.

  • "Unable to find Valid Certification path to requested target" - That is, you have to set up the certificate chain. Get ready, because this is a boring, painful, tortuous and inglorious process to do. Even more using Axis' drug.

  • Yeah, they hired me to take care of this badly written Frankstein, spawned from a series of bad decisions made over the years. Would you have any idea which specific certificate I should add, and how to add?

  • The last time I had the displeasure of messing with the certificate chain was nine years ago, so I don’t remember anymore. But you can search the WSDL endpoints and maybe the XML namescapes which Urls you need to have the certificate chain for. At the time I worked with this, it was the ICP-Brazil certificate that needed to be installed for Nfe, so maybe start looking for it will help you.

  • Okay, thanks. I’ll try to find the certificates.

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