How to do random image uploading?


Viewed 622 times


How do I randomly upload images to the background of a app, so that each time the user enters a given page the background changes between the images ?

How should I proceed to do this?

  • 1

    It will keep switching between images while on the page or whenever it enters the page will load a random background?

  • whenever it enters the page it will load a random background

1 answer


Create a method private on the page that will have this effect in the background, in the case of the example is called Pagina1.

private void RandomImage()
      Random random = new Random();
      String nameim = random.Next(1, 3).ToString() + ".jpg";
      Uri uri = new Uri("ms-appx:/Assets/" + nameim, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
      ImageBrush img = new ImageBrush();
      img.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(uri);
      this.Background = img;

'Cause I put in the Next(1,3) of Random?

Within the pasta Assests has two pictures with the respective names 1.jpg and 2.jpg, So in the example I only have these numbered images to create the random effect. If you have more pictures then you will have to increase the number 3 to the number of (imagens + 1) and realize that they are sequential numbers.

To work put this method RandomImage() within your Construtor below the InitializeComponent():

public Pagina1()

From that every time you charge to Pagina1, the background will change according to the number generated by Random.


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