how to install java JDK and JRE in windows 10?


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I’m doing the Android development course. I’m on:

Section - 2 - Installation and configuration in windows

Class - 5 - Java installation, JDK and JRE

PROBLEM - I am unable to perform the environment variable configuration.

*** The system variable JAVA_HOME is apparently correct (C: Program Files Java jdk1.8.0_151);

*** The PATH system variable, I am not able to configure correctly:

Path without editing (C: Programdata Oracle Java javapath);

Path with editing (C: Programdata Oracle Java javapath;%JAVA_HOME% bin);

Even after editing the CMD-JAVAC searches, I could not configure the environment variables correctly.

Kindly I’d like to solict a support;

Thank you!

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  • I don’t know I’ll look later is at home on my notebook ok.

3 answers


Edit the item C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;%JAVA_HOME%\bin and let it just as C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath.

Create an environment variable called JAVA_HOME with the value C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_151.


Have you checked if there is no other version of JAVA already installed? There may be a version conflict, I suggest removing one of the versions and performing the configuration! New versions of jdk do not have the jre package, so you can point outJRE_HOME to the JAVA_HOME, or not declaring this environment variable.

  • 1

    thank you has already been resolved


In Windows 10 Home, when you click edit path, there is a window that opens. In this window click on the "Edit Text" button and not Edit.

Go to the end of the line and add ;&JAVA_HOME%\bin

Give OK and ready!

  • thank you I got

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