Convert TXT to XML using C#


Viewed 666 times


I want to put the data below that are in a text file (txt) for XML, what is the code C# doing?

#   Number  |   Gender  |   GivenName   |   Surname |   StreetAddress   |   City        |   StateFull   |   ZipCode |   EmailAddress    |   Username    |   Password    |   TelephoneNumber |   MothersMaiden   |   Birthday    |   Age |   Occupation  |   Company |   Vehicle |   BloodType   |   Kilograms   |   Centimeters |   GUID    |   Latitude    |   Longitude
§   1   |   male    |   Estevan |   Rodrigues   |   Avenida 25 Abril 74 |   Viseu   |   Viseu   |   3510-150    |   [email protected]    |   Forenot |   EighahN5ei  |   2325827898  |   Correia |   1/10/1953   |   64  |   Home appliance repairer |   Maxaprofit  |   2005 Lancia Lybra   |   A+  |   71.3    |   169 |   d4f8d88d-afe1-4c63-821a-278883d6bb49    |   41.010337   |   -7.923389
§   2   |   male    |   Joao    |   Santos  |   R Afonso Albuquerque 27 |   Fonte Cova  |   Leiria  |   2425-609    |   [email protected]   |   Districe1986    |   ipe3ihae9oeKei  |   2445343980  |   Cardoso |   3/31/1986   |   31  |   School social worker    |   W. Bell & Co.   |   1998 Subaru SVX |   O+  |   98.9    |   185 |   021a1dc3-5b75-4868-bb03-333170ce9acb    |   39.980212   |   -8.911969

XML format:

  • I didn’t get an answer on the other question so I tried again, thank you

  • And then that code helps you?

  • Yes friend, enough! Thanks man!

1 answer


To transform from text to use the class Xmltextwriter and whether the layout be that with a header and the rest the values of each item of the header have to use a little logic, a little bit of and two for to interact to solve this problem immediately, a minimal example:

XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(@"c:\temp\a\result.xml", null);
string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(@"c:\temp\a\texto.txt");

string header = lines.Where(x => x.Contains("#")).FirstOrDefault();
header = header.Substring(1);
string[] headers = header.Split('|').Select(x => x.Trim().TrimEnd().TrimStart()).ToArray();

string[] values = lines.Where(x => !x.Contains("#")).ToArray();

writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;

for (int j = 0; j < values.Length; j++)
    string value = values[j];
    value = value.Substring(1);
    string[] v = value.Split('|').Select(x => x.Trim().TrimEnd().TrimStart()).ToArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < headers.Length; i++)
        writer.WriteElementString(headers[i], v[i]);


In the output of this code you have the following :

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <StreetAddress>Avenida 25 Abril 74</StreetAddress>
    <EmailAddress>[email protected]</EmailAddress>
    <Occupation>Home appliance repairer</Occupation>
    <Vehicle>2005 Lancia Lybra</Vehicle>
    <StreetAddress>R Afonso Albuquerque 27</StreetAddress>
    <City>Fonte Cova</City>
    <EmailAddress>[email protected]</EmailAddress>
    <Occupation>School social worker</Occupation>
    <Company>W. Bell &amp; Co.</Company>
    <Vehicle>1998 Subaru SVX</Vehicle>


  • Takes negative votes without necessity disturbs the progress of the site, a code well done and well explained with references and we take votes without deserving.

  • Remember that I did not find on the site an answer that could be compatible with this question that could give a way, so my concern to put a related answer.

  • And if the answer has any problems you can let me know!

  • 1

    I gave a positive vote, the staff just wants to receive, but does not think to help others not.

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