How to assemble dynamic menu?


Viewed 655 times


How to build this menu dynamically using json? That it was mounted according to the order that came. It is possible?

  • 1

    From what I’ve seen, you have functions ready for each menu item, correct?

  • @Rafael This, has yes!

  • @Rafaelaugusto is possible?

  • @Rafaelaugusto this menu may or may not have all these items, and could change the order of li, it is possible to be dynamic like this?

  • 1

    Which items are fixed from this menu? Items that would not come from json, but are always fixed in the menu? Another thing, you have a json ready or I can assemble one myself to elaborate the answer?

  • @Isa I posted an answer, see if that’s what you want.

  • @Leandrosimões the only fixed is the button "exit" You can mount yes :))

  • Ready @Isa created the answer, take a look to see if it attracts you. Any doubt I’m available. Hug!

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2 answers


One way to do this would be like this (I can’t say it’s the best way).

let json = [
    title: "Função Teste",
    funcName: "teste()"
    title: "Função Exibir nome",
    funcName: "exibirNome()"
    title: "Função comida favorita",
    funcName: "comidaFavorita()"
    title: "Função melhor serie",
    funcName: "melhorSerie()"

function menu(){
  for(let i = 0; i < json.length; i++){
    $('nav ul').append('<li><a href="#" data-func="'+json[i].funcName+'" onclick="'+json[i].funcName+'">'+json[i].title+'</a></li>')


function teste(){

function exibirNome(){
  alert('meu nome é Rafael')

function comidaFavorita(){
  alert('Minha comida favoria é X-Bacon')

function melhorSerie(){
  alert('Game Of Thrones')
  <script src=""></script>

As you can see in the example, from a json I assemble the menu with the respective funções.


You can do yes Isa, follow the code:

// Objeto JSON retornado do servidor
var jsonObject = {
	items: [
    	onclickFunctions: ['displayPracaRamos', 'displayPracaCidadeMilao'],
      icon: 'glyphicon-tree-deciduous',
      title: 'Praças'
    	onclickFunctions: ['displayCameraCasteloBranco1', 'displayCameraCasteloBranco2'],
      icon: 'glyphicon-camera',
      title: 'Cameras'
    	onclickFunctions: ['displayAlarmsMarker'],
      icon: 'glyphicon-alert',
      title: 'Ocorrências'
    	onclickFunctions: ['showPois'],
      icon: 'glyphicon-map-marker',
      title: 'POIS'
    	onclickFunctions: [],
      icon: 'glyphicon-pushpin',
      title: 'Minha Localização'
    	onclickFunctions: ['toggleFullScreen'],
      icon: 'glyphicon-fullscreen',
      title: 'Tela Inteira'

// Funções que serão atribuídas aos itens do menu
var menuFunctions = {
	'displayPracaRamos': function(data) {  
    console.log(data); // Aqui vc faz o que quiser com o item
	'displayPracaCidadeMilao': function(data) {  
    console.log(data); // Aqui vc faz o que quiser com o item
	'displayCameraCasteloBranco1': function(data) {  
    console.log(data); // Aqui vc faz o que quiser com o item
	'displayCameraCasteloBranco2': function(data) {  
    console.log(data); // Aqui vc faz o que quiser com o item
	'displayAlarmsMarker': function(data) {  
    console.log(data); // Aqui vc faz o que quiser com o item
	'displayAlarmsMarker': function(data) {  
    console.log(data); // Aqui vc faz o que quiser com o item
	'showPois': function(data) {  
    console.log(data); // Aqui vc faz o que quiser com o item
	'toggleFullScreen': function(data) {  
    console.log(data); // Aqui vc faz o que quiser com o item


// Função que monta o menu
function montaMenu(data) {
	data.items.reverse().forEach(function(item) {
  	var ul = document.querySelector('nav.navbar ul');
    var li = document.createElement('li');
    var a = document.createElement('a');
    var spanTitle = document.createElement('span');    
    var spanIcon = document.createElement('span');
    spanTitle.innerText = item.title;
    item.onclickFunctions.forEach(function(func) {
    	var menuFunc = menuFunctions[func];
    	li.addEventListener('click', function() {
    ul.insertBefore(li, ul.childNodes[0]);

montaMenu(jsonObject); // Aqui você chama a função que monta o menu
<nav class="navbar navbar-fixed-left navbar-minimal animate" role="navigation">
  <div class="navbar-toggler animate">
    <span class="menu-icon"></span>
  <ul class="navbar-menu animate">

      <a href="/PracaInteligente/login" class="animate"> <span class="desc animate"> Sair </span> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon glyphicon-log-out"></span>

It is very dynamic even you use the item itself as a function parameter if you need to pass some parameter to the function. Another detail is that it does not use any external library like Jquery for example.

I hope I helped! Any questions just ask me.


  • was very good!! Just one thing, I used the json and the function to mount the menu, only I did not use the functions assigned to the menu, because they already exist in another file. I imported in my html, first the json and below the function that creates the menu. And in the body I put the html snippet you put (in case the Nav part) but it did not mount the rest of mine, just appears the fixed button (exit) know what can be?

  • it gives this error on the console:Uncaught Typeerror: Cannot read Property 'insertBefore' of null at menuDinamico.js:103 at Array.foreach (<Anonymous>) at montaMenu (menuDinamico.js:76) at menuDinamico.js:107

  • From the bug you gave me, it seems that ul is null, that is, Document.querySelector is not finding the list.

  • 1

    Make sure that this code will only run after the other js and also html files have already been loaded.

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