Laravel store method with problem


Viewed 230 times


I’m trying to implement a POST in this method:

 public function store(Request $request)

       $veiculo = new Veiculo($request->(['marca', 'modelo', 'ano', 'preco']));
      return $this->respondCreated('The veiculo has been created');


I’m thinking he’s in trouble because he’s returning me a 500 error on Postman

    "marca": "Ford",
    "modelo": "Fusio",
    "ano": 2014,
    "preco": 137.985

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 1

    Seems like a mistake when it comes to parsing the data, what’s on line 30 of your VeiculosController.php?

  • he’s saying it’s wrong $vehicle = new vehicle($request->(['brand', 'model', 'year', 'price']); I’ve tried to put it that way, but it’s still giving error: $vehicle = new vehicle($request->all());

1 answer


The error he is reporting on line 30 is syntax.

Try using the format below:

$veiculo = new Veiculo();
$veiculo->marca = $request->input("marca");
$veiculo->modelo = $request->input("modelo");
$veiculo->ano = $request->input("ano");
$veiculo->preco = $request->input("preco");

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