Find 2 occurrences in powershell


Viewed 137 times


How can I find 2 occurrences together in a determining file using powershell?

$p = @("string1","string2")
get-content C:\log.txt | Select-String -Pattern $p 

Above, the expression returns me occurrences that have a string OR the other. It’s not what I want, I want to have a string And the other.

What are the ways to do this?

2 answers


You can do it like this

get-content C:\log.txt | Select-String -Pattern "string1" |  Select-String -Pattern "string2"

I don’t know if there’s a better way


  • For the purpose of exemplifying the answer, I replaced String1/String2 adding String3 :

String1 --> pizza

String2 --> chocolate

String3 --> soda pop

  • What suits me for this kind of task:

$i=@('.+(?=.*\bpizza\b)(?=.*\brefrigerante\b)(?=.*\bchocolate\b).*'); gc .\log.txt | sls $i  

  • Some examples diversified applied in the various searches in PowerShell

       # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
       # listar o conteúdo do arquivo: .\log.txt                              #
         gc .\log.txt                                           # linha 0 - 8 #
       # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
       # qualquer ocorrência de pizza, ou, refrigerante, ou chocolate         #
         gc .\log.txt | sls '(pizza|refrigerante|chocolate)'    # linha 1 - 8 #
         gc .\log.txt | sls 'pizza','refrigerante','chocolate'  # linha 1 - 8 #
         gc .\log.txt | sls 'chocolate','refrigerante','pizza'  # linha 1 - 8 #
         gc .\log.txt | sls 'refrigerante','chocolate','pizza'  # linha 1 - 8 #
         gc .\log.txt | sls '(?:pizza|refrigerante|chocolate)'  # linha 1 - 8 #
         gc .\log.txt | sls '(?:refrigerante|chocolate|pizza)'  # linha 1 - 8 #
         gc .\log.txt | sls '(?:chocolate|refrigerante|pizza)'  # linha 1 - 8 #
       # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
       # chocolate | pizza | refrigerante numa ordem de ocorrências definida  #
       gc .\log.txt | sls 'chocolate.+pizza.+refrigerante'      # linha   - 7 #
       gc .\log.txt | sls 'refrigerante.+chocolate.+pizza'      # linha   - 8 #
       # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
       # pizza + refrigerante + chocolate em qualquer ordem na mesma linha    #
         $i=@('.+(?=.*\bpizza\b)(?=.*\brefrigerante\b)(?=.*\bchocolate\b).*') #
         gc .\log.txt | sls $i                                 # linha 7 - 8  #
       # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • To fulfill any search among more than one string
  • To meet any search in a certain order of occurrence of strings
  • To meet any search in no certain order of occurrence of strings
  • Contents of the archive: .\log.txt (line 0 - 8)

0) frase sem torta de sanduíche com mandioquinha
1) frase com pizza de --------- com ------------
2) frase com ----- de chocolate com ------------
3) frase com ----- de --------- com refrigerante
4) frase com ----- de chocolate com refrigerante
5) frase com pizza de --------- com refrigerante
6) frase com pizza de chocolate com ------------
7) frase com chocolate de pizza com refrigerante
8) frase com refrigerante de chocolate com pizza

  • To any occurrence of pizza, or soda pop or chocolate on the line

  gc .\log.txt | sls '(pizza|refrigerante|chocolate)'    # linha 1 - 8 #
  gc .\log.txt | sls 'pizza','refrigerante','chocolate'  # linha 1 - 8 #
  gc .\log.txt | sls 'chocolate','refrigerante','pizza'  # linha 1 - 8 #
  gc .\log.txt | sls 'refrigerante','chocolate','pizza'  # linha 1 - 8 #
  gc .\log.txt | sls '(?:pizza|refrigerante|chocolate)'  # linha 1 - 8 #
  gc .\log.txt | sls '(?:refrigerante|chocolate|pizza)'  # linha 1 - 8 #
  gc .\log.txt | sls '(?:chocolate|refrigerante|pizza)'  # linha 1 - 8 #

  • Results:

1) frase com pizza de --------- com ------------
2) frase com ----- de chocolate com ------------
3) frase com ----- de --------- com refrigerante
4) frase com ----- de chocolate com refrigerante
5) frase com pizza de --------- com refrigerante
6) frase com pizza de chocolate com ------------
7) frase com chocolate de pizza com refrigerante
8) frase com refrigerante de chocolate com pizza

  • To the occurrences predefined of strings on the line:
    • Obeys the defined order of occurrences: chocolate + pizza + soda

gc .\log.txt | sls 'chocolate.+pizza.+refrigerante'

  • Results:

7) frase com chocolate de pizza com refrigerante

  • To the occurrences predefined of strings on the line:
    • Obeys the defined order of occurrences: soda + chocolate + pizza

gc .\log.txt | sls 'refrigerante.+chocolate.+pizza' 

  • Results:

8) frase com refrigerante de chocolate com pizza

  • To multiple strings in any order of occurrence on the line:

# pizza + refrigerante + chocolate em qualquer ordem na mesma linha    #
  $i=@('.+(?=.*\bpizza\b)(?=.*\brefrigerante\b)(?=.*\bchocolate\b).*') #
  gc .\log.txt | sls $i                                 # linha 7 - 8  #

  • Results:

7) frase com chocolate de pizza com refrigerante
8) frase com refrigerante de chocolate com pizza

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