Ubuntu: Restrict user FTP/SFTP access to an existing folder


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Consider the following situation on an UBUNTU-mounted web server:

/var/www/site 1  <-- apenas root
/var/www/site 2  <-- designer 1, root
/var/www/site 3  <-- designer 2, root
/var/www/site 4  <-- designer 1, root

Meaning that the user root has access to all folders, designer 1 accesses the folders /site 2 and /site 4 and designer 2 accesses only the folder /site 3.

Currently, folders already exist and are accessed by root usually, only now designers need to have access to specific folders of the projects they work with.

How do I create new users that can access specific folders existing server?

Note that there is no problem if you have to create a user for each folder to be restricted. In this case and considering the above example, the designer 1 would have the access data to both folders: /site 2 and /site 4. As long as each one has access to their projects, but not those of the other collaborators, it’s all right.

  • 1 tip, use an ftp server such as proftpd. If you want to use sftp you should work with groups of users, the administration is a little more complex than using an ftp server as mentioned above.

  • The hint would be good, but it is not feasible to use an FTP server. If it was, I would not have asked the question.

  • Then create user groups by giving permissions by the group. Ex: Group 1 has permission in directories site 2 and website 4 Group 2 has permission in directories website 3 and site 1 group 1, it will have permissions in group 1 directories. Just add users, creating groups as your need.

  • @Alessandroschneider, yes, exactly that, but I already knew. I did not ask the question because there could be another solution, and I did not want to direct or restrict the answer. Anyway, I am asking just how to do, ie what commands. If you know, please answer the question.

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