What are the possible values in Document.readyState?


Viewed 438 times


I noticed in the documentation of MDN, as in the documentation of W3 (not to be confused with w3schools)

  • loading document still loading
  • Interactive the document has already completed loading and the "document" has already been processed, but images, styles and frames are still loading
  • complete the document and resources have already been loaded, this state indicates the same as the event (on)load

However when accessing the W3.org website I noticed this message:

This Definition is non-normative. Implementation Reports are Given Below this Definition.

And on the website of MSDN I noticed that "API" shows two more "possible" values":

  • uninitialized The object was not started with the data
  • Loaded Object finished loading data

I didn’t quite get the message from loaded, for being in English maybe, but if I understood correctly it is that the "HTML" structure was downloaded but not rendered, this would be it?

Another doubt, or better the main doubt, uninitialized and loaded are available on Node.onreadystatechange or these values are only available in the API to develop something like a "webView" (or even an own browser) using the interface IHTMLDocument2?

Additional: If by chance these values are available in IE besides the API, they will also be available possibly in other browsers?

  • Related (possibly duplicate): https://answall.com/q/232001/132

  • 1

    No, the one from my comment up there is in the case of AJAX, not the page load.

  • 1

    That’s right @Victorstafusa, the API interface of both is quite similar, and they even use similar property names, but the behavior really isn’t exactly the same.

  • These are the States ancient and this the new. On the same link with the new ones, there is a table with Browser compatibility. However, I have encountered several difficulties in using only the event ReadyState to check if a page has been opened completely, it does not work every time. I always needed to add some loading time along with ReadyState

2 answers



The Document.readyState aims to identify the upload status of a document. It is used to interact with the page in certain loading states. It is used based on notable reference events by performance tools and Apis. This metric is reported by browsers.

Document.readyState has three possible response states (Loaded, Interactive, complete):


Informs if a document is being loaded (Loaded).


States at run time of readyState:

That is, when the document.readyState has a "loading" status, meaning that the document (for example an index.html type html file) is being parsed and treated to provide a state.

Other page sub-features are not yet a factor because the initial document is just starting to parse, so the browser doesn’t know if they exist.

The html itself is currently downloaded (the browser has html), but is being processed...

The date/time stamp of the "domLoading" navigation sync API is triggered immediately before the document has a loading status.


When document.readyState has an "Interactive" status, meaning that the document is now parsed and loaded, but sub-features like CSS and images are still being uploaded or analyzed. When document.readyState reports that it is interactive, also means that the event DOMContentLoaded was triggered.

Interacting with the readyState:

For each change in Document.readyState (for example, if readyState changes from "loading" to "interactive"), an event readystatechange is triggered in the document object. Using the event readystatechange, we can interact with these "changes".


// alternativa para carregar o evento
document.onreadystatechange = function () {
   if (document.readyState == "complete") {


When document.readyState has a "complete" status, meaning that the document is now parsed and loaded and all known document sub-resources, such as CSS and images, have been parsed and uploaded. When Document.readyState reports that it is complete, it also means that the load event has been triggered.

In human terms:

Document.readyState tells us what stage the page loading is at. It’s the browser version of "Are we there yet?" (We’ve arrived.?).

This information can be used to interact with the page while it is at different stages of loading a page.

Briefly: in general, you will only use the readyState as a state conditional, to interact with your object being rendered...

A way to capture all possible events of a given event with the document.readyState, in case I am capturing events of a GET request by ajax:

function handler() {
  //0 (não inicializado => uninitialized | esse é antes de qualquer estado, então ele não será impresso aqui dentro, pois ele não passa pelo onreadystatechange) 
  //1 (a carregar => loading) 
  //2 (carregado => loaded) 
  //3 (interactivo => interactive) 
  //4 (completo => complete)

var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
client.onreadystatechange = handler;
client.open("GET", "https://www.google.com");

Curiosity: If, for example, you run the above code only on your browser console, probably the 1 and the 4 will only be defined, because 2 and 3 are not only seen by the console.

  • Thank you for the answer, but you answered all the behavior, which is something that was not asked, because honestly, all this I already know, the question is about what the standards values and uninitialized and changes something about Ihtmldocument2 and why.

  • Ivan, all this I’ve read, the question is about interfaces, variations and patterns of this. I will save some time to elaborate well an answer, the MS Apis are not grandiosely documented there, but today is much better.

  • Because each API has a very different behavior, depending on the language that is used, but in theory, they will all be based within these 3 states. Some Apis don’t know how to leverage, or even don’t need all 3 states... that’s why it’s not a normativity.

  • Take the example of react-native, who already works with state changes, getState, setState, etc, or use of Hooks... are Apis that do not require some of these states.

  • React-Native uses own state changes written for the proper use of lib, not with the state of the GIFT nor with the need of the question described here. Thanks for the effort, but the problem is another.

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The possible values are:

  • uninitialized
  • loading
  • Loaded
  • Interactive
  • complete

Reference w3schools

  • 7

    Dear Daniel, don’t get me wrong, but that’s not really what I asked, read the question calmly and I’m sorry, I quoted MDN and W3.org, w3schools is not a good reference, the ones I quoted are much more complete and exact. I recommend that you review your answer. See you soon.

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