Solr DIH with xml - command full-import is not extracting


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I’m trying to index some wiki pages using Solr 7.0, but in the last step for that, the Dataimporthandler apparently isn’t extracting the data. I don’t know what is happing cause any error is Throwing.

When I call http://localhost:8983/Solr/mycore/dataimport? command=full-import two Different behavior are noticeable.

The first Sponse for my first request is. { "responseHeader":{ "status":0, "QTime":75 }, "initArgs":[ "defaults",[ "config","data-config.xml" ] ], "command":"full-import", "status":"idle", "importResponse":"", "statusMessages":{} }

The Second Response when I just press enter Again is. { "responseHeader":{ "status":0, "QTime":26 }, "initArgs":[ "defaults",[ "config","data-config.xml" ] ], "command":"full-import", "status":"idle", "importResponse":"", "statusMessages":{ "Total Requests made to DataSource":"0", "Total Rows Fetched":"2", "Total Documents Processed":"0", "Total Documents Skipped":"0", "Full Dump Started":"2017-10-28 07:05:31", "":"Indexing completed. Added/Updated: 0 documents. Deleted 0 documents.", "Committed":"2017-10-28 07:05:31", "Time taken":"0:0:0.449" } } As you can see in the Second Answer, the DIH founds 2 Documents or Rows. It’s Exactly the number of the Document that I have in my test file wiki.xml. The problem is DIH isn’t extracting as you may notice in Indexing completed. Added/Updated: 0 documents. Deleted 0 documents.

Here is my Solr Configuration: git gist I’m using Windows 10, Solr 7.0 and Lucene 7.0.

What I’m tried so far...

  • One those data that I’m trying to Extract is the "user", but there are some irregularities with it, for example, the <contributor> XML tag have some time two subtag <username>(the user nickname) and <id>(the user id) when a user has an Account and some other times when the user doesn’t have an Account the <contributor> appears only with one subtag <ip>. So I just Try to import the data without the "user" data.
  • I’m just trying to get only the id and title. To that, I comment the other Fields in data-config.xml.

No one those tests work.

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