Is it possible to use two frameworks in php?


Viewed 773 times


I will create a stock system and would like to use a framework to facilitate the process. How to choose the ideal framework to work with? Does this depend on what my business is about? If I want two or more frameworks functionality is it possible? Or is it necessary to use only one for my system? Could someone explain to me...?

For example:

  • Codeigniter

  • Zend Framework

  • Cakephp

  • Symfony

  • 1

    Your question, applied in this way, is based on opinions. Basically the same thing you ask in a circle of friends which is the best car to ride in the city. Each one will tell you a model, but in general, all vehicles would play the role of taking you from one point to another.

  • Yes but the big question is: Can I use two framworks to build my system???

  • 1

    It seems people don’t read the context of the question!

  • 2

    Can you use two cars to go from home to work? In both cases, yes. But is that really advantageous? Or will it make it harder than helping?

  • 2

    @Rogerscorrêa then the best is to remove the "Which framework to choose or" section of the question title and keep the focus on whether it is possible to use the A and B framework together

  • I was finishing a good answer to use or not together.. :/

  • And my dear, honestly, there are differences between frameworks yes, technical differences!!!!

  • I do find it possible to answer this question without giving opinions.

  • Vote to reopen again @bfavaretto

  • @Rogerscorrêa The link you added to the question is pure irony. What the guy really means is: Use a haha framework

  • Rogers. The site below can help. I think this is a personal decision that you have to evaluate the resources of each frameworks and the time you will spend learning. Another very important issue is to analyze whether in the future, you will not be seeing ships for lack of frameworks resources.

  • It’s not just about personal decision not @fabricio_wm, it’s a very superficial view of frameworks. As you yourself mentioned, possible lack of resources in the expansion of the project, this is technical characteristics and not personal taste.

  • @Marceloaymone The community closed, I leave it to the community to decide whether to reopen. My vote would decide alone.

  • Oloco didn’t even mention Laravel I’m gonna cry... :(

  • It was wrong @Harrypotter!

  • 1

    @Rogerscorrêa quiet, just to relax ... I really liked the question ... congratulations

  • I think the ideal framework depends on what you prioritize as ideal, which can be performance, low coupling, ease of maintenance, continuity security, amount of documentation, hardware consumption, little need for writing and so on... I believe that the ideal will depend on what the weight of each of these elements for each individual, but I really liked the question.

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2 answers


Differences between frameworks are not just personal not imprint, just access this link below and see that there are yes, technical differences between them, differences, which can bring more facilities or not in the development of your application.

For example: Codeigniter doesn’t have native ajax support, authentication modules, event-guided programming, and Cakephp has all this, but no native templates.

This is rather technical differences, which depending on your team, or your knowledge, will make a difference during development, so you need to perform a good survey of requirements for your project to make a good choice.

In which case it is possible to use 2 frameworks:

For example, you build an application, and you want to give it another interface, like REST, you could use a framework to manage the application’s online site and another to give access to REST, with totally different business rules, some frameworks can do everything, others did not.

But between you and me, what would be the benefit of this, considering you’re going to have to rewrite rules, validations, business models, to use a single database.

Cases where it is useful and common to marry more than one framework: Different technologies

PHP Framework + Database abstraction, example: Doctrine.

PHP Framework + Framework frontend, example: Bootstrap, Foundation, 960gs, etc.

  • I hope I have managed to express my answer in a simple way, that makes understand, that not everything is equal no, and it will depend yes, on the business requirements and facilities that want to implement to its development.

  • It was very good for you to point out that Frameworks with different goals can be used together, well observed!

  • It is difficult to choose a framework to start working and close the first question, I think it is demotivating for any programmer beginner with FW’s, I found it very difficult to make a choice, but I liked what I did, if I had a little technical support, perhaps it would have taken less time in this choice.


Although most Frameworks use the Pattern MVC design, it does not necessarily mean that they are written in the same way, but rather following the same line of reasoning.

As you yourself mentioned, you want to speed up the development of the application, for this, you should use a Framework, even not using dozens of modules, functions.. that exist in it, surely the development time will be reduced, that is, depends on your sensitivity when using, in other words, master.

I believe it is not possible to use two Frameworks (Server-side)[1] at the same time, as I mentioned at the beginning of the text, they are similar but not written the same way, this could cause numerous conflicts.

But here is my tip when looking for a good framework, look for the one that:

  • Meet system requirements (that meets your expectations)
  • Have an active development community
  • Documentation (Development, installation and configuration)
  • Possibility of modules and plugins

[1] If they are frameworks with different goals, yes it is possible, e.g.: Cake PHP (Server-side) + Bootstrap (Client-side)

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