While problem in java (simple exercise)


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Context: I’m making an algorithm that stores random strings typed by the user in a string array until the user type "stop".

problem: when typing stop, the eclipse continues the loop in while, and in if (wordDigited != "stop"), even if the wordDigited == stop it keeps entering that if.


while (palavraDigitada != "parar") {

        System.out.print("Escreva quaisquer string ou digite parar para buscar: ");         
        palavraDigitada = tec.next();
        if (palavraDigitada != "parar") {
            if (palavrasEmLista == "") {
                palavrasEmLista = palavraDigitada;

            else {
                palavrasEmLista = palavrasEmLista + ";" + palavraDigitada;
  • Do not use == or != to compare Strings. Use the method equals. See the linked question to understand why.

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