Better/Secure way to transfer sensitive data to an android application through JSON


Viewed 201 times


I am trying to develop an application for android that will work with a database in this case Mysql and I was thinking to make the communication between the database and the application through JSON the data would have to be transferred over SSL but even so maybe it was not the best option to transfer user data among others..

I wonder if you could shed some light on how to do it in a way that’s minimally safe?

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2 answers


Encrypt your content after serialization, and before sending it; Decrypt when receiving on the server, and before passing the payload for your JSON interpreter.

Use a strong, reversible cryptographic algorithm such as Rijndael. For additional security use keys based on a formula that varies over time.


The safest option I see would be SSL. However, if you want to use something less robust, serialize the JSON string and send it via POST.

It’s an option :D

  • 1

    I believe that SSL would only protect the package from being captured on the network, but would still be visible to the owner of the mobile.

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