How to configure Laravel on Heroku?


Viewed 201 times


Greeting to all,

I put an Laravel project in Heroku, and can configure the data group with my Laravel project, or if, manage to migrate the database using php commands in Heroku, to be able to make the settings correctly so that it has access to the database, but something wrong is happening, it seems that it is not recognizing the public folder, but I created the file called Procfile and put in this file that below;

web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2 public/ 

This was for him to recognize the public folder, but it doesn’t seem to do much good because it is showing up in the browser:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I wonder what happened?


This is the structure of my project:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • I would like to do a shave her also more always from the mistake. Like you did. There’s some everything you did that you can pass me?

  • sorry, I don’t understand the question.

  • Would you like to learn how to deploy on Heroku like Laravel. How did you do it? You have something there for me to pass on so I can learn?

  • @Natanmelo lets me finish solving my problem that then I put as I did here in this post.

  • @wladyband, Closed then. I hope that people there can help you.

  • @Darleifernandozillmer could you please tell me where this public_htm folder is? Because I can’t find it here in my project.

  • @Darleifernandozillmer I created the project using Composer, maybe I am creating the structure differently because of the version, but I did an update of my post and I would like to take a look, I did not find this index.php file

  • @Natanmelo was like this

  • @Natanmelo this one also

  • blz I’ll watch here very obg.

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