npm ERR! - When executing some command in the application


Viewed 110 times


It was with the application in Nodejs working normally, but now it starts the application. But when I execute any command it presents this error. I’m using the Sqlite3.

npm ERR! Windows_nt 10.0.15063

npm ERR! argv "C: Program Files nodejs Node.exe" "C: Program Files nodejs node_modules npm bin npm-cli.js" "start"

npm ERR! Node V6.11.2

npm ERR! npm v3.10.10


npm ERR! [email protected] start: node app.js -ns -p 8888

npm ERR! Exit status 3221225477

npm ERR!

npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] start script 'Node app.js -ns -p 8888'.

npm ERR! Make sure you have the Latest version of Node.js and npm installed.

npm ERR! If you do, this is Most likely a problem with the stcprest_node package,

npm ERR! not with npm itself.

npm ERR! Tell the Author that this fails on your system:

npm ERR! Node app.js -ns -p 8888

npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an Issue for this project with:

npm ERR! npm bugs stcprest_node

npm ERR! Or if that isn’t available, you can get their info via:

npm ERR! npm Owner ls stcprest_node

npm ERR! There is likely Additional logging output above.

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:

npm ERR! C: Users Lucas Desenv Defaultcollection Stcprestnode npm-debug.log

Follow the npm-debug.log

0 info it worked if it ends with ok

1 verbose cli [ 'C: Program Files nodejs Node.exe',

1 verbose cli 'C: Program Files nodejs node_modules npm bin npm-cli.js',

1 verbose cli 'start' ]

2 info using [email protected]

3 info using [email protected]

4 verbose run-script [ 'prestart', 'start', 'poststart' ]

5 info Lifecycle [email protected]~prestart: [email protected]

6 Silly Lifecycle [email protected]~prestart: no script for prestart, Continuing

7 info Lifecycle [email protected]~start: [email protected]

8 verbose Lifecycle [email protected]~start: unsafe-perm in Lifecycle true

9 verbose Lifecycle [email protected]~start: PATH: C: Program Files nodejs node_modules npm bin Node-Gyp-bin;C: Users Lucas Desenv Defaultcollection Stcprestnode node_modules.bin;C: Users Lucas bin;C: Program Files Git mingw64 bin;C: Program Files Git usr local bin;C: Program Files Git usr bin;C: Program Files Git usr bin;C: Program Files Git mingw64 bin;C: Program Files Git usr bin;C: Users Lucas bin;C: Oracle instantclient;C: Python27;C: Python27 Scripts;C: Windows system32;C: Windows System32 Wbem;C: Windows System32 Windowspowershell v1.0;C: Program Files nodejs;C: Program Files Microsoft VS Code;C: Program Files Microsoft SQL Server 130 Tools Binn;C: Program Files dotnet;C: Program Files Git cmd;C: Users Lucas Appdata Local Microsoft Windowsapps;C: Program Files Git usr bin vendor_perl;C: Program Files Git usr bin core_perl

10 verbose Lifecycle [email protected]~start: CWD: C: Users Lucas Desenv Defaultcollection Stcprestnode

11 Silly Lifecycle [email protected]~start: Args: [ '/d /s /c', 'Node app.js -ns -p 8888' ]

12 Silly Lifecycle [email protected]~start: Returned: code: 3221225477 Signal: null

13 info Lifecycle [email protected]~start: Failed to exec start script

14 verbose stack Error: [email protected] start: node app.js -ns -p 8888

14 verbose stack Exit status 3221225477

14 verbose stack at Eventemitter. (C: Program Files nodejs node_modules npm lib utils Lifecycle.js:255:16)

14 verbose stack at emitTwo (Events.js:106:13)

14 verbose stack at Eventemitter.Emit (Events.js:191:7)

14 verbose stack at Childprocess. (C: Program Files nodejs node_modules npm lib utils Spawn.js:40:14)

14 verbose stack at emitTwo (Events.js:106:13)

14 verbose stack at Childprocess.Emit (Vents.js:191:7)

14 verbose stack at maybeClose (Internal/child_process.js:891:16)

14 verbose stack at Process.ChildProcess. _Handle.onexit (Internal/child_process.js:226:5)

15 verbose pkgid [email protected]

16 verbose cwd C: Users Lucas Desenv Defaultcollection Stcprestnode

17 error Windows_nt 10.0.15063

18 error argv "C: Program Files nodejs Node.exe" "C: Program Files nodejs node_modules npm bin npm-cli.js" "start"

19 error Node V6.11.2

20 error npm v3.10.10

21 error code ELIFECYCLE

22 error [email protected] start: node app.js -ns -p 8888

22 error Exit status 3221225477

23 error Failed at the [email protected] start script 'Node app.js -ns -p 8888'.

23 error Make sure you have the Latest version of Node.js and npm installed.

23 error If you do, this is Most likely a problem with the stcprest_node package,

23 error not with npm itself.

23 error Tell the Author that this fails on your system:

23 error Node app.js -ns -p 8888

23 error You can get information on how to open an Issue for this project with:

23 error npm bugs stcprest_node

23 error Or if that isn’t available, you can get their info via:

23 error npm Owner ls stcprest_node

23 error There is likely Additional logging output above.

24 verbose Exit [ 1, true ]

  • You can place the npm_debug.log stack.?

  • @Felipeavelar I added the file you requested.

  • Are you running this command by cmd? If yes, it has administrator status?

  • It is. And it has administrator permission..

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