Javascript injection in Internet Explorer, returns null


Viewed 244 times


I am developing an application that performs automation in internet explorer, I am using the Shdocvw to do this.

My problem is I can’t get the return of an injection of Javascript

public static void wJScript(string script) {
  try {
    Thread th = new Thread(ExecuteJavaScriptWorker);
  catch (Exception) {

private static void ExecuteJavaScriptWorker(object script) {
  try {         
    IHTMLDocument2 document = IE.Document;
    object resp = document.parentWindow.execScript(script.ToString(), "JScript");
  catch (Exception) {

My variable Resp always returns null

The variable script can receive any Javascript command from a single document.getElementById('id').value even call a function I have on the page:

Let’s say I have following function on my page:

function soma(a,b) {
  return a + b;

And pass as parameter to my function wJScript("soma(1,2)") it should return me the result of the function, but this does not occur!

  • You can order what the variable script contains?

  • @Danguilherme I edited the question... But clarifying, it can contain any Javascript command.

2 answers


This is what is expected from this method.

In accordance with the documentation the method execScript always returns null

See an excerpt:

This method Always Returns null.

How translated is:

This method always returns null


Test this section and see if it generates any exception

          IHTMLDocument2 doc = (IHTMLDocument2)IE.Document;

            if (doc != null){
                IHTMLWindow2 parentWindow = doc.parentWindow;
                if (parentWindow != null)
                    parentWindow.execScript(script, "javascript");
        catch(Exception ex) {
  • This treatment would only check if there is a parentWindow or not, and this is not the question... I can run the scripts on the pages, only it does not return me anything.

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