Cache Mysql Web Base


Viewed 24 times


Good morning,

I have an application developed in Delphi 2010 with Mysql, the base is server on the Web, a few days ago they migrated this server and updated the version of Mysql, since then I have had a problem, when one of the clients inserts information in the base it goes up instantly, but the other client takes a long time to see the new record, it’s like the client stores a query cache, and this cache updates every so long, sometimes the other client takes more than a day to see the new record, Does anyone have any idea what might be going on or how to solve this?

  • 1

    Under normal conditions this does not occur. Either it is some limitation in the query logic of your application, or the query is not being made directly to Mysql. Eventually a clustered and/or replicated and poorly configured Mysql may have been installed, but then only checking the installation itself (and even then, the problem would only occur if each client connected at a different point of the cluster, which probably wouldn’t be the case).

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