Image with time interval - Excel


Viewed 137 times


Need to assign an image that appears every 1 hour in EXCEL, how?! It will probably be necessary to use VBA. But I am not very familiar.

And close alone after 1 minute.

  • Where is the image located? On the web or on the computer? If on the computer, same Excel file folder?

  • Sorry, I did it by cell phone in the middle of the production line in the company. Yeah, it will be located on the computer. I want an image to appear and stay for 1 minute, in that 1 minute it’s for the employees to do stretch exercises for ergonomics, etc...

  • Better, is it possible to put in specific intervals of time? Instead of being every 1 hour, as it has intervals, lunch hours, etc... Would it be for specific hours? 10:00 12:00 14:00, etc... It was 10:00, bam, the image appears that will stay for 1 minute to remember about ergonomics.

  • Look for schedule tasks in VBA and then how to create a Sub to show images.

  • 1

    My suggestion is that you use the Windows Task Scheduler to do this task. You can use it to schedule actions to be executed from time to time. In the action setting, you can ask to display an image.

  • Fernando, could you create the example of the task scheduler? I am since yesterday researching and just failed to date :/

  • Fernando? Are you still there? Could you give an example? kk

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1 answer



Use this VBA code to schedule tasks at the desired time:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    '-- Roda os Subs ou funções no horário agendado.
    'Deve ser colodado em EstaPastadeTrabalho

    Application.OnTime TimeValue("10:00:00"), "mostrarImagem"
    Application.OnTime TimeValue("12:00:00"), "mostrarImagem"
    Application.OnTime TimeValue("14:00:00"), "mostrarImagem"
End Sub

Show Image

This is used to display the image and the image path should be written in strPath

Sub mostrarImagem()
    Debug.Print "mostrarImagem() rodou as " & Time
    On Error GoTo 0
    strPath = "C:/Caminho/do/arquivo/de/Imagem.jpg"
    If Dir(strPath) <> "" Then
        ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert (strPath)
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Application.DisplayFullScreen = True
        Application.DisplayFormulaBar = False
        ActiveWindow.DisplayWorkbookTabs = False
        ActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = False
        ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False
        Application.OnTime Now() + CDate("00:01:00"), "fecharImagem"
        MsgBox "A imagem não pôde ser carregada - Escolha a imagem."
        strPath = EscolherImagem
        GoTo Inicio
    End If
End Sub

Choose the image

This is a function to handle error if the image path does not find anything.

Public Function EscolherImagem() As String
    Dim intChoice As Long
    Dim strPath As String

    'only allow the user to select one file
    Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).AllowMultiSelect = False
    'make the file dialog visible to the user
    intChoice = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).Show
    'determine what choice the user made
    If intChoice <> 0 Then
        'get the file path selected by the user
        strPath = Application.FileDialog( _
        'print the file path to sheet 1
        EscolherImagem = strPath
    End If
End Function

Close image

This Sub is called 1 minute after inserting the image.

Sub fecharImagem()
    'Sub agendado irá rodar por 1 minuto
    Application.DisplayFullScreen = False
    Application.DisplayFormulaBar = True
    ActiveWindow.DisplayWorkbookTabs = True
    ActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = True
    ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    Debug.Print "mostrarImagem() parou as " & Time
End Sub

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