My goal is to develop a script on Linux environment (Kali Linux) that Automatizes certain tasks such as while running, detect Access Points next showing me the intensity of the signal and the Mac Address as well as customers who are connected.
I don’t care about encryption because the goal is not trespassing, it’s anti-invasion. Once I get this information, I can decide on which Aps and clients should direct the action of disaffection.
If there is already a script like this and it is possible to leave a link or copy of the code. I am very grateful. If colleagues do not know, I also accept the help of someone experienced in the subject.
It is not college work nor for professional purposes. For exclusive use only.
Obs.: I already have a code snippet that detects my Mac address to make a comparison at a later date and to prevent myself from being disused from AP.
Friend, from what I’ve seen, you want the code ready.
– Alessandro Schneider
I don’t think you understand... "If someone has a code ready that meets these needs, if you can share", I’ll be happy. For I see no reason to reinvent the wheel... But if this is not possible, I would be very happy if someone who knows Shell Script, could help me with some insights...
– user3461158
You need to learn linux, start by a distro like Ubuntu, learning the basics, after that you can move to Kali which is a distro with many features already installed. If you didn’t know, take some script ready, and even some error, you couldn’t solve the error. What you want is very simple, you will not do this script for you, because the idea is to learn, if you get ready you will not learn.
– Alessandro Schneider
Colleague. I already use Kali Linux. I am developing a personal project based on Shell Script. I’ve even mastered many shell scripting things like storing values in variables, condition structures and repetition, but my problem is using regular expression to work with the outputs of other programs in the console.
– user3461158
If ifconfig applied on an active network card provides me with active Mac Address. I also know that iwlist applied on my active network card associated with scan me provides a list of nearby access points.
– user3461158
ok, let’s go to the tips then: vc needs to learn mainly about the command "Iw" follows the manpage --> https://linux.die.net/man/iw Regular expression vc will hardly use, only basic knowledge with "grep"," egrep","awk" and "sed" will be more than enough to get the result you seek. vc can take a look at this channel to have shell basics --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOLPUc6oo-w&list=PLucm8g_ezqNrYgXC8_CgbvHbvI7dDfhs .
– Alessandro Schneider
Once I finish the script, put it to help others and already close the topic... Vlw
– user3461158