Select grouping by average hour and sum per day


Viewed 1,322 times


How can I return in a select the daily sum of the value column, Since before adding up I have to average an hour? My table receives the "value" once a second, I need to make the average per hour of this value and return the sum of these averages per day...

I use Mysql.

valor         time
15      2017-10-13 14:02:06
99      2017-10-13 12:26:57
75      2017-09-25 21:20:08
40      2017-09-25 21:19:32
8       2017-09-16 19:23:16
5       2017-09-16 19:20:48
2.5     2017-09-16 19:20:35
2       2017-08-26 13:46:13
1.41    2017-08-26 13:45:13
1.41    2017-08-26 13:45:12
1.41    2017-08-26 13:45:11
1.41    2017-08-26 13:45:09
1.41    2017-08-26 13:45:08
1.41    2017-08-26 13:45:07
1.41    2017-08-26 13:45:06
1.41    2017-08-26 13:45:05
1.41    2017-08-26 13:45:04
1.41    2017-08-26 13:45:03
1.41    2017-08-26 13:45:02
1.41    2017-08-26 13:45:01
1.41    2017-08-26 13:45:00
1.41    2017-08-26 13:44:59
1.41    2017-08-26 13:44:58
1.41    2017-08-26 13:44:57
1.41    2017-08-26 13:44:55
1.41    2017-08-26 13:44:54
1.41    2017-08-26 13:44:53
1.41    2017-08-26 13:44:52
1.41    2017-08-26 13:44:51
1.41    2017-08-26 13:44:50
1.41    2017-08-26 13:44:49
1.41    2017-08-26 13:44:48
1.41    2017-08-26 13:44:47
1.41    2017-08-26 13:44:46
1.41    2017-08-26 13:44:45
1.41    2017-08-26 13:44:44
1.41    2017-08-26 13:44:42
1.41    2017-08-26 13:44:41
1.41    2017-08-26 13:44:40
1.41    2017-08-26 13:44:39
1.41    2017-08-26 13:44:38
1.41    2017-08-27 13:44:37
1.41    2017-08-27 13:44:36
1.41    2017-08-27 13:44:35
1.41    2017-08-27 13:44:34
1.41    2017-08-27 13:44:33
1.41    2017-08-27 13:44:32
1.41    2017-08-27 13:44:31
1.41    2017-08-27 13:44:30
1.41    2017-08-27 13:44:29

1 answer


Select the average per day:

    avg(valor) as media,
    cast(data_hora as date) as dia
from valores
group by cast(data_hora as date);

Select the average per day and hour:

    avg(valor) as media,
    cast(data_hora as date) as dia,
    hour(data_hora) as hora
from valores
group by cast(data_hora as date),hour(data_hora);

Select from the sum of the averages per day and hour, grouped by day:

        avg(valor) as media,
        cast(data_hora as date) as dia,
        hour(data_hora) as hora
     from valores
     group by cast(data_hora as date),hour(data_hora)) x
group by x.dia

In particular, I see no application in the sum of the averages... but it is as requested.

I put in Sqlfiddle:! 9/25fa97/4


Function Hour():

Function Cast():

Function AVG():

Function SUM():

  • 1

    Thank you so much for your help! It is that I need to calculate the daily electric energy consumption, but as the measurement is in KW/hour, I need to count the hourly average of the current record, to get to the KW/hour, and then add up per day. Thanks!!

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