Working with Tomcat + Eclipse + Sublimetext (Frontend)


Viewed 96 times


We are creating a web project using Eclipse (IDE) and Springmvc. The development team has two people, separated into Front-end and Back-end (we’re using GIT for versioning). For the Front-end we would like to use Sublimetext instead of Eclipse. However Sublime does not deploy the application to Tomcat, Eclipse does this automatically and also republishes the changed files.

What is the best way to use Sublimetext as the Front-end (view) and Eclipse Back-end editor and both deploy the application on Tomcat ?

1 answer


I would start by running the application without the eclipse.

You probably use Maven or Gradle in the project. Both tools offer plugins (Maven | Gradle) to deploy a War with a simple command in the terminal. After installing to configure the plugin, just run:

mvn tomcat7:deploy


gradle war tomcatRun

Then you could still install the Glue and execute these commands within the Sublime.

  • I created a script, as he commented to deploy through sublimeText and he is doing! However, for each change generated in a front-end file (jsp, css or js), it is necessary to make a new deploy (mvn tomcat7:deploy) to view the result, it takes a certain amount of time. The eclipse has an option to update the deploy automatically (Automatically Publish when Resources change). Could you tell me how I can do the same thing without the eclipse? Or, make a hot deploy using Maven ?

  • You could create a macro to deploy whenever you save the file or see alternatives to hot deploy with the Maven plugin.

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