Ldap + Php example of connection


Viewed 549 times


I’m trying to make a simple connection and pick up if certain user is in ldap.

However I am not succeeding, I searched on the net and I could not find any script to help me.

  • When you say "catch," do you mean "authenticate"? Or just know if it exists?

  • What type of application did you want? Do you want to perform authentication or just perform a user query in LDAP?

  • 1


  • Know if there is the user, and also would like to get all users of the directory

  • Please post the code you are using and explain the difficulty.

1 answer


There’s a library I’ve used in a project, it calls adLDAP


$config = array(
    'account_suffix' => "@gatech.edu",

    'domain_controllers' => array("whitepages.gatech.edu"),

    'base_dn' => 'dc=whitepages,dc=gatech,dc=edu',

    'admin_username' => '',

    'admin_password' => '',

$ad = new Adldap($config);

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