Take value from a cell in jquery


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Como faço para pegar o valor de uma celula quando clico no botao **ALTERAR ENDERECO?** de uma tabela em jquery?

This button has an ONCLICK event that calls a function. Theoretically, it is already in a line, it would only need the VALUE of a cell.

Obs: Addresses is the ID of tbody and the TEST is the CELULA ID. Current function:

function teste(){
            var id = $(this).parent().find('td').attr('id');

Function to recover data on screen:

 function atualiza(){
                    dataType: 'json',
                    url: 'get_enderecos.php',
                    success: function(data){
                        for(var i=0; data.length>i;i++){
                            $('#enderecos').append('<tr><td id="teste">'+data[i].sequencia+'</td>'+
                                                    '<td class="actions col-xs-2 col-sm-2 col-md-2 col-lg-2" align="center">'+
                                                        '<button class="btn btn-danger" onClick="teste()" type="button">Alterar Endereço</button>'+


  • TESTE is the id of the cell you want to search for ? But remember that you cannot have repeated id’s on a page

  • What value you are sending to the function teste()? If you don’t send anything, it’s impossible to do what you want.

  • Put the part of the code where you print this data on the screen. (It should be a while or json, whatever it is)

  • in the test function, if I give an Alert(.cep addresses) it returns to me an indefined.

  • Yes, testing is the cell ID I want to get

  • <tr><td id="teste"> -> this creates several lines with the same id which is incorrect at html level See here in the W3C documentation how ids have to be unique

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1 answer


I start by indicating that the id you’re putting in the first <td> line is not correct as it will generate several lines with ids repeated. In html the attribute id has to be unique on the page.

Citing the W3C documentation:

The value must be Unique amongst all the Ids


Value must be unique among all Ids

To fix this problem you can turn it into a class by changing the append for:

$('#enderecos').append('<tr><td class="teste">'+data[i].sequencia+'</td>'+ ...
//--------------------------------^ agora class

With this change already html is right and to fetch this <td> in the click can do so:

$("body").on( "click", ".actions .btn.btn-danger", function() {
    let htmlTeste = $(this).closest("tr").find(".teste").html();

Notice that I used the function on jquery to use delegation and ensure that the click works even on elements that are added to the page in the future.

With the function closest goes to the <tr> above and with the find descends again to the <td> with class teste.

  • I will test, and come post the results! Thank you very much for your help!

  • @leonardobarussi No problem, if you have any questions do not hesitate

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