Connection problems


Viewed 36 times


When sending the form to register the email entered in the field it should simply register in the database, but it does not register, how can I solve?

    $conect = mysqli_connect('','root@localhost','') or die ("erro de conecção");
    $banco = mysqli_select_db($conect,'oserpoeta');

Page picks data

    include = 'cad_&else.php';

    //Cadastra os dados
    $email = $_POST ["email"];    
    $link = "INSERT INTO 'newllester' ('email') VALUES ('$email')";    
    $qur = mysqli_query($link,'$sql')or die('erro:'.mysqli_error ());    
    header("location: http://serpoeta.localhost/serpoeta/")    
    1. Read the function documentation mysqli_connect; 2. What is the return of var_dump($banco)? 3. Do not place single quotes in table name or column name - if you want to avoid conflict, use crases; 4. Read function documentation mysqli_query and review the order of the parameters; 5. What should be the variable $sql which it used in mysqli_query?
  • There will be no single quotes in the table name. Do not place single quotes in variables like => '$sql')or die(...);

  • Improving a line: $conect = mysqli_connect('','root@localhost','','oserpoeta') or die ("erro de conecção"); You can already set the bank together.

1 answer


With mysqli you don’t need to use mysqli_select_db, just use the following code

$conect = mysqli_connect('servidor','nome_utilizador','palavra_pass', 'nome_da_db') or die ("erro de conecção");

$link = "INSERT INTO 'newllester' ('email') VALUES ('$email')";

$qur = mysqli_query($link,'$sql')or die('erro:'.mysqli_error ());

Also, the above code is poorly formulated. Where you say the query, the first data should be the connection to the database, ie

$qur = mysqli_query($conect, $link)or die('erro:'.mysqli_error ());

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