formatting according to cell content


Viewed 69 times


I have a spreadsheet with columns A, B, C and D, where column A, B and C is a PROCV where you search the email address in other spreadsheets of each seller and column D is the name of the responsible, A, B and C represent each seller of my team, then when procv finds the email address in each seller’s spreadsheet it returns that address, when it does not return the unallocated text.

my need, when the address was found in column A by the procv in the responsible column that is the D he display sales1, when it is found in column B, display in column D sales2 and so on.

can assist?

  • I always suggest placing the tables as images or data to clarify your question and get the best out of the community. I was doubtful about your question: Does column D not have the name of the person responsible? And you want me to keep the text "salesman 1" in case the A column comes back true? Want to overwrite the data in column D? Could you clarify your question?

  • this exactly, in case the procv returns true the correspondence stays with the selling text1, that would be the name of the seller, remembering that it is an array of 3 columns and increases the number of cells

  • Can there be three different names for each column (A, B and C)? Or will there always be only 1 of them?

1 answer


See if I can understand and try the following formula in column’D' (cell D1):

=SE(E(A1<>"";ÉERROS(PROCURAR("não";A1)));A1;SE(E(B1<>"";ÉERROS(PROCURAR("não";B1)));B1;SE(E(C1<>"";ÉERROS(PROCURAR("não";C1)));C1;"Não alocado")))

If it works in the cell D1 replicate to other cells.

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