How to pass an array in HTML attributes and not to show single quotes?


Viewed 1,015 times


Following this post I created the following html by passing arrays as an input element attribute:

<input type="text" name="setValues[cardExpiration]" id="card_expiry" class="input-small" value="1222">
<input type="text" name="setValues[ipAddress]" id="ip" value="">

After the form is submitted we will have the following multi-dimensional array within $_POST:

enter image description here

Understand with var_dump() the keys of the internal array:

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

enter image description here

When we try to recover the values this is what happens:

$email = (isset($_POST["setValues"])?$_POST["setValues"]["email"]:FALSE);//NULL

$email = (isset($_POST["setValues"])?$_POST["setValues"]["'email'"]:FALSE);//Retorna o e-mail preenchido no formulário

The centerpoint here is these simple quotes ' key ' that is being created inside the array key.

That’s why $_POST["setValues"]["'email'"] works and $_POST["setValues"]["email"] does not work, returns NULL.

So my question is how could we create this array within the input attribute without these simple quotes appearing in the key?

1 answer


I tested it here and it works yes normally.

When you send a form this way:

                    <input type="text" name="form[nome]">

                    <input type="text" name="form[email]">

                    <input type="text" name="form[telefone]">

php will normally receive:


// irá exibir
string(87) "Quo molestias deserunt voluptas fuga Molestiae animi vel aliquip elit quam ipsum soluta"

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