SQL error in fullcalendar connection


Viewed 52 times


My code is returning false, I’ve debugged but I can’t find the error he returns "There was some problem.."

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                                    Data do Evento: <input type="date" name="data" required/><br/><br/>            
                                    <button type="submit"> Cadastrar novo evento </button>

  • Darlei, unfortunately var_dump is not being recognized, but apparently it does not even enter the ajax

1 answer



try to give a console.log(data) and make sure you have the browser console open (just give F12 on the Console page and tab). For it may be that the date is empty, or it is not coming from the backend.

Another check would be to validate whether everything is ok with the data being sent, giving a console.log in the var data (var data = jQuery(this). serialize()).

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