Problems assigning values to variables in an object


Viewed 684 times


I need to pass variable data to another class called There I have a vector of the type that receives objects, so in the main class I created an object that I initialized as follows :

public class Dados{
    int menu = 20,i=0; 
    String produto;
    int Quantidade=0;
    float ValorUn=0,Desconto=0,AliquotaICMS=0;
    String Obs;     

public static void main(String[] args) {        
        BancoDeDados db = null;
        Dados da = new Dados; = 20;

However intendente the way I initialize it, generates error when compiling

If I start like this :

Dados da;

It says that the variable was not initialized, if I assign the value NULL, says it’s pointing to a null pointer, how to solve?

public class Fila {
    public Fila() {     


    int inicio, fim, numelem,tamanho;
    Object array[];
    String elem;//string

    Fila(int tam){
        this.inicio = 0;
        this.fim = 0;
        this.numelem = 0;
        this.array = new Object[tam];

    public boolean vazia(){
           return true;
           return false;    

    public void inserir(Object elem){       
    public Object remover(){
        Object temp=null;
            System.out.println("Fila vazia");
        return temp;

    public void AumentarVetor() {       
        tamanho = (tamanho/2)*3;                

Main class :

import BancoDeDados.Dados;

public class Main {

    public static class Dados{

        int menu = 20,i=0; 
        String produto;
        int Quantidade=0;
        float ValorUn=0,Desconto=0,AliquotaICMS=0;
        String Obs;

        public Dados(){
              //também á uma boa idéia inicializar os valores das variáveis dentro do construtor

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub      
        //BancoDeDados db = null;
        Dados da = new Dados(); = 20;
        da.produto = "Teste";
        Fila f = new Fila(); = 10;

  • You should describe the error obtained when compiling. Note that apparently your code is wrong. The most method is outside the class. Apparently scattered in the archive.

  • Good evening, It shows following message : "The local variable da may not have been initialized. " But I don’t know how I should boot it.

2 answers


You need to create a constructor method, the constructors are responsible for creating the object in memory, ie instantiating the class that has been defined. They are mandatory and are declared this way:

public class Dados{

    int menu = 20, i = 0; 
    String produto;
    int quantidade = 0;
    float valorUn = 0, desconto = 0, aliquotaICMS = 0;
    String obs;

    public Dados(){
        //também é uma boa idéia inicializar os valores das variáveis dentro do construtor

A class can have multiple constructors and they can receive no or multiple parameters, and in the class main you must instantiate the object like this:

Dados da = new Dados();
  • Part of the problem has been solved, thank you very much. Now it gives error when inserting in queue Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Nullpointerexception At Fila.insert( at Main.main(

  • how is the code of the Fila class?

  • I added the class in the description of the problem.

  • 2

    "you need to create a constructor method, ""They are mandatory" is not entirely true. It is not mandatory to define a constructor, as the compiler will create one without parameters if none is defined.


Let’s break the problem in pieces.

  1. The class BancoDeDados is not relevant to the problem. Nothing is done with it on Main.
    Thus, the problem is in the following 2 lines:

Error code:

Dados da = new Dados; = 20;
  1. The Data class is initialized as Dados da = new Dados(); There is a syntax error. I assume the class Dados has only 1 constructor, the empty constructor (no arguments).

Somewhere in the code of the Data class, I assume to exist:

public Dados()
    /*Faz alguma coisa aqui? Talvez aqui inicialize a Fila?*/
  1. Confirm that the Queue is initialized with the correct constructor. Fila testeFila = new Fila(5);. Please note that new Fila(5); calls the constructor of 1 argument:

The builder who created:

Fila(int tam){
    this.inicio = 0;
    this.fim = 0;
    this.numelem = 0;
    this.tamanho = tam;
    this.array = new Object[tam];

Call Fila testeFila = new Fila();, the so-called builder is:

public Fila() {

And the array is not initialized.

One of these steps was the problem?

Fila is a Class. This class has a field Object array[];.

This object is not initialized by default. The line the instance is in the constructor:

Fila(int tam){
    this.inicio = 0;
    this.fim = 0;
    this.numelem = 0;
    this.tamanho = tam;
    **this.array = new Object[tam];**

That is, it is necessary that the code reaches this line so that the object array is initialized.

Fila(int tam) is a class builder Fila. Takes as parameter an integer, and executes the 5 lines of code that are in the above snippet.

On your Main, declares the queue as

Fila f = new Fila();

This will not call the builder who created above, but the empty builder.

Still in your class Fila:

public Fila() {     
        /*Este é o código que executa ao invocar Fila f = new Fila();*/
  • Good afternoon, I put the Main class in the description of the problem, the problem is that I cannot insert it into the array as shown in Main. Note : Yes, it has an empty constructor.

  • So part of the problem is the instantiation of the Queue. I’m going to edit the answer a little for clarity; see point 3.

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