Is it possible to have native content(layouts, classes) in a hybrid application?


Viewed 37 times


I need to run some native Android layouts and classes in my Ionic project there are some plugin?

  • Could you describe better what you want to do? What are these native layouts and classes? How is your Ionic project?

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1 answer


Yes, it is possible and not difficult to do with my project to Android I did it in a very simple way without the need for a plugin. What I did I created mine Appwidget in Android Studio modified the way I wanted. I went to my project Ionic, managed the Android platform, so I copied the java classes and layouts . xml then in Platform / android.

I adapted according to my need in my case res/xml, res/layouts, res/drawable and in folders src/seu_package after I just needed to hit my Androidmanisfest.

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