How to receive a javascript value within a c# ASP.NET block


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What I’d like to do is convert a value from within a JSON to Double and apply the String.Format("{0:N}", valor_JSON)); so I’d be converting 1000 -> 1.000.

However, as already answered, it is not possible to do this inside the View, because C# runs on the server side. The solution would be to process all this before returning JSON, or using a Javascript library for this.

2 answers


This is not possible the way you show it. C# runs on server, and Javascript wheel on the client (browser).

The C# code is used to generate the HTML (or CSS or JS) that will be sent to the browser. Therefore, once the C# code has been executed and has done its job of generating an HTML so that the client can receive it, it will no longer be executed until a new request is made to the server.

I couldn’t understand the purpose of the code, so I can’t tell you what to do. Maybe if you give a context and explain what you want to do, I can give you a solution in code.

It might be interesting for you to read: What is a "stateless protocol", like HTTP?

  • LINQ, I want to take a variable from my returned JSON, convert to Double to apply the String.Format("{0:N}", ValorRecebidoDoJSONAqui)); so I can convert type 1000 to 1,000. But apparently I will have to do this before returning JSON.


As far as I know you can only do this by running a Submit for a method within C#. For this you can create a form variable and call the Submit method, passing the values you want by parameter. Example:

var myForm = document.createElement("form");
myForm.action = 'url do seu método no C#';
myForm.method = "post";

//Setando o parâmetro
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "text";
input.value = obj[key]; = key;

//Adiciona o form ao corpo do documento
//Envia o formulário

Remembering that you can use market frameworks to do this too, such as jQuery, Angularjs and others.

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