Display a div for a given time Jquery


Viewed 438 times


I wonder if there’s any way I can present the contents of a div at a certain time. Because in this case I’m inserting an html into the div and after a while I’d like it to disappear, there’s some way to do it?

    <div id="alerta">


@if (cadastradoComSucesso)
        var functionSuccess = function () {
            $('#alerta').html('<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert"> Registro cadastrado com sucesso.</div>')
        setTimeout(functionSuccess, 8000);     
        var functionWarrning = function () {
            $('#alerta').html('<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert"> Erro ao salvar registro.</div>')
        setTimeout(functionWarrning, 8000);        

  • What do you have inside your job? You tried $().hide jQuery?

  • So, but in this case, what would I call Hide? I would have to have a timer for that not?

  • Your setTimeOut doesn’t do that anymore?

  • I honestly don’t know how the question was positive, it shows no research effort, since it’s something you should have about 8000 duplicates here in the Stack... a quick googlada already gives the answer.

2 answers


You can use setTimeout and then give the Hide in div.

   //Esconde a div
}, seu_tempo_em_millisegundos);


I got it that way:

    var functionWarrning = function () {
        $('#alerta').html('<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert"> Erro ao salvar registro.</div>')


    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 8000);         
  • But then the div will still continue with the content, even hidden.

  • In this case for me it is not a problem, because as I am putting the content with . html and not append, it subistitu everything inside the div.

  • Strange. You ask the question, a lot of people answer and then almost at the same time you answer your own question with the same solution as the other answers.

  • @DVD I just complemented how I managed to solve the problem, and of course, by joining all the help given by our friends. Sometimes it can help someone in the future, knowing how I actually solved the problem

  • 1

    So it’s not an answer, it’s just an issue of the question, since it marked another answer as "correct".

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