How to keep zero left on import in Python?


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Hello I have several TXT files with CPF numbers. CPF has 11 numbers, so you can have zeros left to complete this size I opened these files in Excel and gathered them in one. In the CPF column, before opening each file, I turned the Excel import command to as Text to keep the zeros. In xlsx format it worked

But when I recorded it as CSV I saw the zeroes on the left were gone

In Python 3 opened, to use pandas later, and I saw that really lost the zero on the left and turned int64:

candidatos = pd.read_csv("candidatos_excel_cpfinteiro_csv.csv",sep=';',encoding = 'latin_1')

    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 26245 entries, 0 to 26244
Data columns (total 9 columns):
UF                  26245 non-null object
Estado              26245 non-null object
Cargo               26245 non-null object
Nome_completo       26245 non-null object
CPF                 26245 non-null int64
Nome_urna           26245 non-null object
Partido             26245 non-null object
Partido_completo    26245 non-null object
Situacao            26245 non-null object
dtypes: int64(1), object(8)
memory usage: 1.0+ MB

I tried to open the Excel file directly with the xlrd, but it got as number in the same way:

xlsx = pd.ExcelFile('candidatos_excel_cpfinteiro.xlsx')

candidatos = pd.read_excel(xlsx, 'Planilha1')

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 26245 entries, 0 to 26244
Data columns (total 9 columns):
UF                  26245 non-null object
Estado              26245 non-null object
Cargo               26245 non-null object
Nome_completo       26245 non-null object
CPF                 26245 non-null int64
Nome_urna           26245 non-null object
Partido             26245 non-null object
Partido_completo    26245 non-null object
Situacao            26245 non-null object
dtypes: int64(1), object(8)
memory usage: 1.0+ MB

Would someone please have a suggestion on how to keep zeros on the left? Or keep that column as a string?

  • 1

    how the cpfs are inside the . csv file? From what I understand of the question, excel already exports them without zeros.

  • Hello, thank you. You are always with 11 digites ("99493713415", "02376606446", "16436105468", "02108363262"...). Yes, when I record as CSV he loses the zero on the left

  • Hello, I think I explained wrong. In the original TXT is 11 digits ("99493713415", "02376606446", "16436105468", "02108363262"...). But when I turn into CSV in Excel then lose the zero on the left

2 answers


You can define the dtype at the time of import. For example:

candidatos = pd.read_csv("candidatos_excel_cpfinteiro_csv.csv",sep=';',
                         encoding = 'latin_1', dtype=str)

It is also possible to define the dtype individually, for example, {‘a’: np.float64, ‘b’: np.int32}.

For more details, I recommend documentation.


Try to import directly from excel, use this line of code you will not lose any value:

import pandas as pd

seu_dataframe = pd.read_excel('nome do seu arquivo .xlsx')
  • Thanks, but it didn’t work. Also cut the left zero when I care as you indicated above: the column looks like this - CPF 26245 non-null int64

  • But in excel file is with zero on the left and column formatted as text

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