How to perform nested data query in JSON type column


Viewed 66 times


I have the data (nested) below in a column of type JSON:

[{"modSelecionado": "13"}, {"modSelecionado": "15"}, {"modSelecionado":
 "16"}, {"supMaxima": "5,00", "tensaoMotor": "1", "comunicacaoMotor": "1"}]

How do I perform a query, for example whether supMaxima is greater than or equal to a certain value?

  • This was not answered in Friday’s question?

  • Hello @LINK, the structure of the data that is stored in the column is different.

  • Try the following: SELECT * FROM Tabela WHERE column->"$. supMaxima" > 5;

  • Hello @Caiqueromero, notice that the structure is different of this, I mean, it doesn’t work. =\

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