I’m having a question on how to draw up a diagram for this scenario:
- Application in Laravel MVC
- Too much code equal in the view and controller layers wanted to omit this
- Work of the facul
I wondered if it is possible and accept I just create the classes with the names and differentiate only those that have some rule of business, something similar to that answer: /a/168077/35153
So instead of having in the diagrams the views as:
Customer listing
Employee listing
I thought I’d do it like this:
Since the views are similar I wanted to know if I can do something generic without specifying the names in the CRUD-related views
In the controller I think I just need to say (footnote) that the crud methods are very similar because of the ORM and only leave the name of the controllers without the methods, with the exception of the rules.
Your question is a little confused, can’t tell if it has to do with class diagram or OO. But if what you want to do is create abstractions to reuse code in CRUD’s I advise you this link
– Andre Gusmao
@Andréluizdegusmão thanks for the comment, I changed the question, I think it was clearer.
– lipesmile
pq would you put the views in a class diagram? The main point is what I should communicate with this diagram. After that answer becomes simple to elaborate it.
– rray
@rray I want to communicate the classes and methods related directly to the business, the CRUD is on, but it is not the focus in this case
– lipesmile